Introduction: Simple Tulle Lace Baby Bonnet

This bonnet may look difficult but is really simple and fun to make! Once you learn how to make the lace on tulle, there's no end to what you can create with it.

Step 1: Assemble Your Supplies

1/4 yard bridal tulle
1/4 yard batiste
1 1/2 yards lace
1 yard 1/4" ribbon for ties
Water Soluble Stabilizer
Disappearing Ink Marking Pen
Quilt Basting Spray
Scissors or rotary cutter, ruler

Step 2: Making the Lace

1. Cut one piece of bridal tulle and two pieces of water soluble stabilizer, 8" x 16"
2. Sandwich the tulle between the two pieces of stabilizer, using the quilt basting spray to keep the tulle from moving.
3. Using the ruler and disappearing ink pen, mark a grid on the top layer of stabilizer. The one inch squares on a cutting mat worked perfect for me.
4. Choose a decorative stitch on your machine and begin by sewing along the first grid line and continue sewing each grid line on the vertical.
5. When all the vertical lines have been sewn, turn the fabric and continue by stitching the other grid-lines.
6. Don't wash out the stabilizer yet.
7. Trim or serge the rectangle to 6" x 14" rounding off  two of the long corners. (See photo in step 3) 

Step 3: Make the Ruffle

1.  Cut one piece of batiste, 2" x 28"
2.  Baste along one edge for ruffling.
3. Draw the basted threads to create the ruffle.
4. Use a pin stitch to attach the ruffle to the serger lace and trim all threads.
5. After pin-stitching, I used a decorative stitch over the top as a finish.

Step 4: Attach the Lace

1. Begin attaching the lace at the bottom of the corner curve, continuing straight down, along the side of the ruffle and across the bottom of the ruffle.  Turning each corner carefully, continue up the third side  stopping at the bottom of the corner curve.
2. Snip all loose threads.

Step 5: Sewing the Casing and Adding Ribbons

1. Make a casing along the 4th edge, (the one without the lace), by turning up 1/4 inch and then 1/4 inch.
2. Press and stitch along top edge of fold.
3. Thread ribbon through the casing.
4.  Pull the ribbon to gather the bonnet back and tie the bow to form the back of the bonnet.  Adjust to fit by lengthening or shortening this ribbon.
5.  Attach two ribbons to the front of the bonnet where the batiste meets the side lace.

Step 6: Rinse Away the Disolvable Stabilizer

Following the directions for your rinseaway stabilizer, and allow the bonnet to dry.