Introduction: Simple Window Storage Solution
Hello fellow DIY people,
In this instructable you will be shown how to make a simple window storage solution!
This is quite a simple tutorial, but the project has the potential to be ruined.
Follow the steps carefully to create this masterpiece.
Step 1: Materials
You will need:
- 1800 x 90 x 19 mm Pine wood
- 300 x 300 mm Ply wood
- Sanding Blocks and Sandpaper
- Scroll Saw
- Disc Sander
- File
- Wood Glue (not PVA)
- 2 Clamps
- Tri-sqaure
Step 2: Cut the Pieces
With your 1800 mm of Pine wood, cut 5 pieces of 300 mm pine out of the 1800 mm. Use a Scroll saw for this.
Then cut out two piece, 90 mm each, out of the remaining wood.
They should look like the image above
Note: Do not throw the remaining wood, as you will need to use it later.
Step 3: Create Finger Joints
Now with four pieces of 300 mm, cut out finger joints on each of the pieces of wood (not the extra 300mm).
I recommend you do finger joints with 3 fingers on one side and 2 on the other.
If you don't to use finger joints, you can chose to joint you want to use.
Once you have created you joints, sand and finish your joints so they look perfect.
Step 4: Glue First Two Finger Joints
After you have perfected your finger joints, you can now proceed to glue them.
Use Titebond wood glue to glue the joints. Once you have glued the joint together, use a sanding block to do this to make sure the glue sets in the right position.
To clamp it with the sanding block you have to do these steps:
- place one sanding block on the inside corner of the joint
- use a clamp to join that block to one of the sides
- then use another clamp to join the other side to the sanding block
Glue the other joint and repeat the same process
Step 5: Finish Gluing
Once you have finished gluing your two separate finger joints, you will now move onto gluing the two together.
This is similar process to the step before. Follow the steps:
- With both of the remaining joints, put glue in-between them.
- Use another person to hold one joint together while you hold the other.
- Place sanding blocks in the corners of the new joints.
- Use the clamping method demonstrated in the previous step
Step 6: Place Dividers
Once your glue has dried, you should have ended up with a square box.
Use the remaining wood to cut out a piece of 300 cm if you haven't already.
Mark out the the wood on the top and bottom. Mark your holes on the top and bottom for your nails.
With a nail, drill through your marked holes on both sides.
Slide the piece of wood through the marked areas and nail the wood to the structure.
The second part of the dividers have to be put in. Cut to pieces of pine each at 145 cm.
To attach the dividers to the structure, use the same method used when attaching the first divider.
Step 7: Add Back Cover
After the dividers have been put into place, you will now have to add the back cover. Use 300 x 300 cm of plywood for this. Use the same nails you used to nail the dividers, to attach the back. Nail on the corners, sides and centre.