Introduction: Simple and Clean Penny Stove

This is a penny stove that I've built. The body of the stove is a tuna can. From the other penny stoves I've seen, this one is the cleanest, simplest, and most professional. Go ahead and make variations to the stove you build. The stove can boil water in a medium size pot in around four minutes.

Step 1: Supplies

You will need:

1 empty tuna can

1 hole punch (single)

Some sort of clean burning fuel (Rubbing Alcohol, etc)

A lighter/match

Parental Supervision

Side supplies:


Measuring tape

Step 2: Setting Up to Punch

Take your tuna can, and mark the can with a marker with even intervals. I marked it every half an inch. Make sure the marks are near the top, and are straight.

Depending on how much and how well your fuel burns, you should put more or less holes. The more holes, the more even the pot will heat, but if your flame isn't strong enough the flame wont be able to come out of all the holes. The less holes, the further the flames will shoot out, heating the pot better. So start out with less holes, adding more until the flames shoot out as far as in the main picture.

Step 3: Start Punching!

Your holes should end up looking something like this. If your hole puncher didn't punch out the whole hole, just bend the piece thats on with your fingers until it comes off. Be careful, as the holes may be sharp.

Step 4: Almost Done!

Now, bring the can to a fireproof place. Pour 1/4 to 1/3 of fuel into the can. Grab a match or a lighter, and light it! You will notice that the flame doesn't go out through the holes, but through the top. When you place a pot on top of it, it will force the flames out through the holes.

Don't put out the flame with water, because the fuel can splash. Snuff it out by putting a pot over it.

Step 5: Voila, a Simple and Effective Penny Stove!

Congratulations on your creation! Check in for more DIYs

Until next time - Joey