Introduction: "Home Made" Liquid Nitrogen, for Next to Nothing!

About: I'm a 20 year old Canadian..not much else to know:) Check my flickr stream.
Or, poor man's liquid nitrogen. I'm in college, but unfortunately no chem classes, nor do I have the money for a Dewar's of my own to have filled. I heard of this technique from a friend of a teacher's son's maid..or something, it was a while ago.

Full credit for this idea belongs to wbeaty over ar Youtube,
I'm just the instrustables messenger;)

Step 1: Supplies

- Two pop bottles or equivalent. (1 2L, one 354ml or whatever the personal size ones are)
- Dry ice(Pellets probably are the best option)
-99% isopropyl alcohol( Can be found at most grocery/drug stores.)
-Something sharp to cut the bottles apart with.

Step 2: Cut Bottles.

Cut the top of the big bottle off about 2 thirds of the way down. i tested multiple depths, and something that the small container barely peeks over seems good.

The smaller container needs to be cut to about the same height, ensure that by testing the smaller container inside the larger.

Step 3: Prepare Inside Container!

Cut some small holes in the bottom of the inside container. This will allow the alcohol to get chilled by the dry ice while keeping the cry ice away from your test subjects. Accuracy is not an issue, just make it smaller than your smallest chunk of dry ice.

Step 4: Pack It In.

Put some dry ice in the bottom of the container, add the inner bottle, and fill it in around the sides. I tried to just fill it, and work the bottle in, but it DOES not work for anything. Crushing the dry ice yields more uniform results, at the cost of faster sublimation. (turning into useless vapor)

Step 5: Add the Alcohol.

Pour alcohol into both sections of the container, the levels should even out eventually. Odds are you won't be able to see very well where the alcohol is, and spill a little. This is good. It lets you know the container is full.

Step 6: Freeze Crap!

Flowers probably give the most dramatic result. Drop one in, stem up. Let it sit for a few minutes. longer ALWAYS equals better. Give it a whack on something, anything really, after letting the alcohol run off a little bit. The results are great. We tried this flower, a pickle(Pickles SHATTER like glass!), a leaf, and an egg.


If you have any experience with Liquid Nitrogen, this ISN'T THE SAME! This stuff STICKS to your skin like napalm and hurts, bad. Dry ice can burn you good, real good. Alcohol vapors should never be directly inhaled. THIS METHOD OF COLDENING STUFF SHOULD NEVER BE USED FOR COOKING! This stuff is nasty, the alcohol turns into a smelly, smelly gel. It's thick and hurts! DON'T MAKE ICE CREAM WITH THIS!!

If you must make Dry Ice bombs with the left overs (like we did) Go to a safe place ( we went to an empty beach) and stay well away, never handle the dry ice with bare hands for too long! As of tonight I have no feeling in my left pointer fingertip! We were stupid so you don't have to be! Enjoy, shatter things, learn something, be safe!