Introduction: Skateboard Camera Handle
In this I will explain how to make your own camera handle cheap ($10-ish) !!!
This will fit in any camera that can be put on a tripod!
This will fit in any camera that can be put on a tripod!
Step 1: Supplys
Here is a list of supply you will need:
-A piece of thin (but not too thin) Steel (I bought this form a hardware store for like 4 bucks)
-A drill with a bit the size of tripod screw
-Hockey Tape (was lying around my house so i used it otherwise cheap)
-Some foam or news paper(foam is great but if not news paper will suffice)
-A screw from a tripod..... uhh just take the screw to any hardware store and find a match.
- Duhh a camera!
- And a vice!!
-A piece of thin (but not too thin) Steel (I bought this form a hardware store for like 4 bucks)
-A drill with a bit the size of tripod screw
-Hockey Tape (was lying around my house so i used it otherwise cheap)
-Some foam or news paper(foam is great but if not news paper will suffice)
-A screw from a tripod..... uhh just take the screw to any hardware store and find a match.
- Duhh a camera!
- And a vice!!
Step 2: Directions- Metal
- Ok first what you will need to do is gaet the steel and measure it up.
- what i mean by that is place you camera on the steel draw lines on it and bend it
- to bend it you need a vice
-place the steel in the vice with the line showing where you want to bend it
- bend the steel on the lines with the vice untill the meatal un in a "C" shape
- what i mean by that is place you camera on the steel draw lines on it and bend it
- to bend it you need a vice
-place the steel in the vice with the line showing where you want to bend it
- bend the steel on the lines with the vice untill the meatal un in a "C" shape
Step 3: Directions- Drilling
measure where you want your camera and draw a dot
try to be as accurate as possible
take your bit(i cant quite remember what size?) and start drilling
i went through about two drill bits in the process but what ever i have lots of bits.
now measure up your hole stick the screw in and boom you have your handle!>>>
try to be as accurate as possible
take your bit(i cant quite remember what size?) and start drilling
i went through about two drill bits in the process but what ever i have lots of bits.
now measure up your hole stick the screw in and boom you have your handle!>>>
Step 4: Directions- Grip
The grip is not that necessary but it is worth it to have one it makes it hella more comfortable
-first what you do is find any foam or even newspaper that is lying around and roll it or ;put it around the handle part of the handle.
-now tape it
-i used hockey tape for comfort and grip but you can use duck tape
- and there you have it put it all together and film some gnar footage!
-first what you do is find any foam or even newspaper that is lying around and roll it or ;put it around the handle part of the handle.
-now tape it
-i used hockey tape for comfort and grip but you can use duck tape
- and there you have it put it all together and film some gnar footage!