Introduction: Skye Sweetnam's Heart Eye

About: I am a conceptual artist, and my DIY projects are mostly inspired by pop culture (movies, music, sports, TV). I mostly specialize in painting, graphic design, drawing, digital photography, performance art, and…

When I was Googling celebrities with face paint, I came across Skye Sweetnam, whose heart eye design appeared on the cover of her album "Noises from the Basement". This may look simple, but the color choices are effortless. Yet, I was about to construct a video tutorial about this one within 5 minutes.

Step 1: Watch the Video

Brands: Mehron Paradise / Silly Farm

Colors Used

  • Light Green
  • Light Blue
  • Moonlight Rainbow Cake

PS: I used light blue and several strips of paint from the Moonlight rainbow cake to add some highlighting and bright color to the green heart. This blend makes it stand out even more and makes it look more gorgeous!