Introduction: Slide Action Pistol

About: K'nex gun builder. Part of the mid guard. Wasn't around with the old guard nor do I relate with the new guard. I now only operate myOmy here on instructables, this account is inactive
What you see is what you get. This thing is 1 pound if pure awesomeness, blast your enemies away today with your sidearm of choice, my slide action pistol. Only 9.99 at your local wal-mart! Just kidding, but this is one of my favorite guns that I have made. Soon to be updated with vast differences and better battle ready power. Well I kind of made this for me as well as the community because I've noticed that almost all slide action guns use broken pieces. Mine does not and still offers plenty of power and reliability. It has a nice fluid, pull to it. And it has never malfunctioned for me. Namely this was built as a response to the tac-2 by E Pluribus Unum.