Introduction: Small Blanket Box/Hope Chest
This small blanket box/hope chest is made from part of an old swing door and pallet wood. The hinges and handle are from a china cabinet that I am using in other projects!
Step 1: The OLD Swing Doors . . . .
Cut the sing doors in 2: the levered portion and the panel portion.
Step 2: Create a Frame
Take apart pallets and remove the nails or staples. After planing the pallet wood, including the 2x4's, use the table saw to create square dowels out of the 2x4's for the frame of the box. Also, cut the pallet slats to the width of the box side.
Step 3: Making the Sides
Use the slats to form the bottom and the sides. Using wood glue, glue the edges to the slats together and affix the slats to the frame, using a pinner.
Step 4: Finishing Touches
Along the long side, use small square dowels to create supports for the slats, pinning the slats to the supports. And, in the four corners. Also, use the small square dowels to go along the edges on the exterior for a more finished look.
Step 5: Finished!
Four squares (cut from a square dowel) attached to the bottom lift it slightly off the floor. Paint it. Add the hinges and the lid handle. And viola! Finished!