Introduction: Smart Agricultural Plugin

This is an arduino based project that makes gardening and farming happen without human interferance . The system consist of a weather station, security system , robotic arms, transportation system, automated watering, dehumidifying , temperature controlling , fertiliser sprinkling , ultrasonic stimulation , camera system and etc

Step 1: Things Required

1)arduino uno * 2
2)arduino mega
3)servo motors*3
5)arduino tft touch screen
7)a lot of jumper cables
8)ultra sonic sensor*2
9)arduino motor driving shield
10)soil moisture sensor
11)dht22 sensor
12)relay module
14)Haylam sheet
15)SD card module
16)old android devices
17)all kind of sensors available to u
18)bread board
don't think that this project requires a lot of things actually u can avoid the parts u don't have by just giving up that particular sector in the project .

Step 2: Introduction

Hai my name is krishnanunni. I am actually 17 years old and studying in 11th standard . I doesn't had any previous arduino experience before making this project but I am good at coding .
I did this for a school exhibition and eventually got our state science fair champion ship. this project had received awards at sahodhya, senk,MBC and etc.
as I said earlier I am not too much experienced with arduino so there will be many faults and mistakes in my project and if u find one please let me know about it through the comment let's begin

Step 3: Different Sectors of the Project

there are many sectors in the project namely
1)weather station
2)digital storage
3)tft touch screen
4)robotic arms
5)transportation system
6)security system

Step 4: Weather Station

the weather station is operated by the arduino mega. all the sensors available are connected to the arduino mega and then the mega is connected to the tft touch screen and the relay module. the relay module should be connected to a submergible water pump,artificial lights and dehumidifier. I am writing a instructable like this for the first time so please email me at
for any help,doubts or if u r are a beginner and u wish to do this project then I can write the code for u but please make sure that u r sending the all the details about ur available sensors and other devices to me in ur email

Step 5: Security System

the four side of the system is protected laser which works with ldr and laser pens and as usual if the laser beam is breaken then the ldr reading goes down and as a result the arduino alerts the user. we also have IP cams in it since I dosent had that much budget I just used an old android device as can by just installing IP web can named application.once u install that app then it is going to stream u the video with sound. we also have a radar in the system as u all know ultrasonic sound keeps the insects and pests away and stimulates plant growth. the radar also gives u the image of its reading in ur laptop or PC.u will need processing ide installed in ur computer for getting the radars graphical representation .again I am sating I u need the code just email me now I cant upload the code as I am using my android device but I will upload it as soon as possible

Step 6: Transportation System

now comes the transportation system for transportation system for this I have connected one of my arduino to a motor driving shield and then used two DC motors as its wheels. I also connected a hc-05 Bluetooth module in the arduino so that it can be controlled by android all called Bluetooth rc controller.u can also use the accelerometer mode built in that app to control that system

Step 7: Robotic Arms

for robotic arms I actually copied the idea from another instruct able titled polydexter and build as the same but one difference is there . in that instructable they used a 3d printer but I don't had access to a 3d printer so I used a hylum sheet in the system. the mechanism and code of the arm was very simple there were two arms whose each parts were connected by a potentiometer in the analogue arm and servo motors in the digital arms.

Step 8: Digital Storage and Tft Lcd

the digital storage is a very simple part in the project i n my model it was some small tanks connected with ultrasonic sensors at the top and the reading and the graph were given in tft touch screen.

the touch screen was the most difficult part for me. I had to spend a lot of time in searching for the libraries then studying that library and all,really coding that touch part was very difficult as the screen doesn't gave accurate coordinates however after trying for 1 week I was finally able to bring it to working mode. even if I am uploading the code u should replaces the libraries with those that works with ur screen. here I used a 2.4 inch mucfriend tft touch scren

Step 9: Conclusion

I will be uploading the code and the schematic diagrams soon and if u want to do any part of this project quickly please email me at
with all ur available sensors and other devices model number and the version of the arduino u r using and ur need
Arduino All The Things! Contest

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