Introduction: Smart Bin
Our Smart Bin allows users to 'check in' with a special pass which is linked to a personal account. After checking in any garbage thrown in the bin will award the user a point. These points can then be used to purchase various gifts in the city of the garbage bin.
You will need the following to continue build this bin:
- Arduino
- Various cables
- Sonar sensor (HC-SR04)
- LED display (4 digit)
- RFID reader (RFID RC522)
- RFID tags
- Wood
- Glue
- Screws
- Colored paint or colored paper and tape
- Solder
- Saw
- Screwdriver
- Drill
- Computer to write and upload code
- Soldering iron
Once you have everything you can start building!
Step 1: Build the Bin
Using a saw cut the wood into the following dimensions:
- 2x 52cm x 30cm (side panels)
- 2x 48cm x 30cm (bottom and top panel)
- 2x 48cm x 52cm (front and back panel)
Cut a hole in the top panel for your garbage to be thrown in.
Glue the parts together, except the top which will become the lid for easy cleaning access.
Step 2: Design and Decorate Your Bin
Paint it!
Step 3: Connecting All the Parts to Your Arduino
Before you start I recommend connecting the parts one by one, so you can easily find any mistakes you possible make. Gather the parts you'll use together. Here's a list of items you will need and their connections. You can connect most of them quite easily by using some male-female jumper wires. For the RFID Reader you do need to solder a bit depending on the type you bought.
RFID Reader
SDA -> Pin 10
SCK -> Pin 13
MOSI -> Pin 11
MISO -> Pin 12
GND -> GND on Arduino
RTS -> Pin 9
3.3V -> 3.3V on Arduino
4 Digit 7 Segment Display
CLK -> Pin 7
DIO -> Pin 6
VVC -> 5V on Arduino
GND -> GND on Arduino
Sonar Sensor
VVC - > 5V on Arduino
GND -> GND on Arduinp
ECHO -> Pin 4
TRIGGER -> Pin 2
GND -> GND on Arduino
VVC -> Pin 8
Step 4: Coding the Arduino
Due to a bug I can't post the code. You have to download the file and copy the code that way.
Step 5: Finishing the Project
If you've completed all the steps you have finished the project. Download the video if you want to see it in action or go play with it yourself.