Introduction: Smart Button to Keep You Safe and Control Your Android

About: Hello, I am 17 year old innovator living in India. My interest lies in Electronics. Surf through my creations and enjoy!!!!1

Here Presented Gadget is a Smart Button to keep you safe and have access of your whole smartphone apps and features with clicks of button. The Button will run through app. The app gives access to train your button by single click, double up to six clicks and also it can detect long presses. You can assign the function of clicks and you can use it. The button is extremely easy to make consisting a button and resistor. It connects with audio jack. It is simple small handy gadget.

By the press of button you can share message to your relatives and also share your location.

The button can do following functions as assigned:

1. Flashlight on/off

2. Search

3. Voice Search

4. SOS(Safety Feature)

5. Receiving Phones

6. Screen Rotate

7. Brightness control

8. WiFi and Hotspot on/off

9. Bluetooth On/Off

10. Screen On/Off

11. All Music Keys

12. Home Button

13. Opening Recent Apps

14. Expanding Quick Settings

15. Sharing your location to your friend

So many Functions! Isn't it? So Lets make this small gadget.....

Step 1: Materials Needed:

1. 3.5mm TRRS Audio Jack

2. 39k Resistor

3. Tactile Button

4. Audio Jack enclosure(Optional)

Step 2: Circuit

First of all solder 39K Resistor parallel with button as shown in image. If you have long button legs, then cut the legs of resistor after soldering or solder the resistor bending over terminals of button and solder the terminals of resistor.

Step 3: Audio Jack

The Audio Jack has four terminals

1. Left

2. Right

3. Mic

4. Ground

We have to connect the circuit made in previous step to Ground and mic as shown in Diagram.

Step 4: Enclose It

Enclose the circuit in the enclosure of audio jack and now it is ready to use.

Step 5: App

You can use any app available on play store. But I found "mSwitch" very useful. I would recommend to use it. Now assign the function of clicks and it would be ready to use.

Step 6: Thank You

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