Introduction: Smart Glasses(Under $10!!!)

About: A high-school student from a typical Indian Middle-class family, looking to explore & learn new stuffs through rejections,curiosity & people from all around the globe! Peace!:)(This was back in 2020) Now, I'm …

Hi There!

We all are familiar with Smart Glasses like the one named E.D.I.T.H. made by our beloved character Tony Stark which was later passed on to Peter Parker.

Today I am going to built one such smart glass that too under $10! They're not quite as subtle as the ones in film, they do have some impressive abilities.

So without wasting any time let's get started!


1) OLED Display($2.64)

2)HC-05 or HC-06 Bluetooth Module($2.84)

3)Power bank Module($0.39)

4)10K Preset($0.12)

5)Slide Switch($0.27)

6)Li-Po Battery 3.7V($1.35)

7)Arduino Pro Mini($2.71)/ Arduino Nano($2.92)


9)100 mm Focal Lens

10)Transparent Glass

Step 1: Circuit Diagram and Connections

The above image shows all the connections for the Glasses...

  1. HC-05/06 -> VCC- 5V of Arduino

GND-GND of Arduino

TX- RX of Arduino

RX- TX of Arduino

2. OLED Display-> VCC-5V/3.3V of Arduino

GND-GND of Arduino

SDL- A4 of Arduino

SCL- A5 of Arduino

3.LiPo Battery-> +ve - Slide Switch & Slide Switch - +ve of Power bank Module

-ve - -ve of Power bank Module

4.Arduino -> Vin - 10k Preset

GND - -ve of Power Bank Module

5. Power Bank Module-> +ve - 10k Preset

Step 2: Outer Cover

As per the measurements of the frame of your Glass, print the above given shapes for the cover from a 3D Printer or a shop nearby.

Step 3: Program the Arduino & the App

If you are using an Arduino Nano, then skip this part... If you are a Pro Mini then use a 'CP2102 USB 2.0 to TTL UART Serial convertor Module' to upload the code to your board.

Link for the code and the app:-

Code and App Link

Step 4: Arrangements

Now Arrangement all of your circuitries inside the cover and attach the Power Bank Module on the top cover. Make sure to have a hole for the USB Port that will be needed for charging the LiPo Battery.(as shown in the given image)

Step 5: Lens and Glass

Take a mirror and cut it into your desired dimensions.

Buy a 100mm Focal Lens and a small rectangular transparent glass.

Arrange them as shown in the images above...

Step 6: Attach With the Specs

Join the two parts together of the outer cover together and attach your specs as shown in the images...

Step 7: Connecting With Your Phone

Download the app from the link given before...

Pair your HC-05/06 with your phone.

Open the app named 'Retro Watch'.

After opening the app:-

Go to Watch Control Section> Connect your bluetooth module with your device(Connected will be displayed as shown in the above image)> in watch clock style, Select Style to Simple Digital (or the style you prefer).

Step 8: Finish!

And you are done!

Enjoy your Smart Glasses!!!

Thanks for Reading!!!

See you guys in the next Instructable!

Till then Stay Home! Stay Safe!
