Introduction: Smart LED With Node Mcu and Tasker

About: random robot and maker from belgium

download tasker.

Step 1: The Links -> tasker -> thinger api - > the nodemcu module


you can use any output you wish in my example i used an rgb led strip

Step 2: Wirering

do this with a breadboard before soldering

Step 3: Setup Node Mcu and Tasker

Firstly open the Arduino IDEGo to files and click on the preference in the Arduino IDE

copy the below code in the Additional boards Manager OK to close the preference Tab.

Step 4: The Right Board

After completing the above steps , go to Tools and board, and then select board Manager

Navigate to esp8266 by esp8266 community and install the software for Arduino.Once all the above process been completed we are read to program our esp8266 with Arduino IDE.

Step 5: Instal the Esp One

Step 6: Chose This Libary and Add This Code

#include < SPI.h>
#include < ESP8266WiFi.h >

#include < ThingerESP8266.h >

#define USERNAME "yourusernamen" #define DEVICE_ID "your device" #define DEVICE_CREDENTIAL "your cridentials"

#define SSID "yourssd"

#define SSID_PASSWORD "wifipass"


void setup() { pinMode(D5, OUTPUT);


// digital pin control example (i.e. turning on/off a light, a relay, configuring a parameter, etc) thing["led"] << digitalPin(D5) ;

// resource output example (i.e. reading a sensor value) thing["millis"] >> outputValue(millis());

// more details at }

void loop() { thing.handle(); }

Step 7: Do a Http Post in Tasker

tasker uses if and then statements or action reaction

for example if time = 11:00pm then do http post

i used a pluggin called autovoice

NOTE: this plugin is payed.

(it is cheap)

Step 8: Done

Step 9: Final: You Can Always Make a Case I Made Mine With a Laser Cutter and a Simple Interlocking.

if you can't make it yourself use this link:

First Time Author Contest 2018

Participated in the
First Time Author Contest 2018