Introduction: Smart Pillow... How to Make an Alarm Clock Pillow
How to make an Alarm Clock Pillow!
When presented with the challenge to create a "smart object" I choose to concentrate on objects that effect my life everyday. My pillow and my alarm clock. One I adore. The other I do not. I was searching for a solution to my incessant knack for oversleeping, thus the “Alarm Clock Pillow”. This object utilizes the Arduino micro-controller to wake 3 of your 5 senses, not just your ears! The “Alarm Clock Pillow” additionally exemplifies my interest in functional art.
Fuse together the purpose of two separate objects into one "smart-object" in an aesthetically appealing functional piece of art.
Create an “Smart Pillow: Alarm” for all those heavy sleepers out there…
The alarm clock pillow could potentially include:
... Digital Alarm
... Vibrate Function - LilyPad Vibe Board
... Multiple LED Display
... Hand and Machine Embroidery
How to make an Alarm Clock Pillow!
When presented with the challenge to create a "smart object" I choose to concentrate on objects that effect my life everyday. My pillow and my alarm clock. One I adore. The other I do not. I was searching for a solution to my incessant knack for oversleeping, thus the “Alarm Clock Pillow”. This object utilizes the Arduino micro-controller to wake 3 of your 5 senses, not just your ears! The “Alarm Clock Pillow” additionally exemplifies my interest in functional art.
Fuse together the purpose of two separate objects into one "smart-object" in an aesthetically appealing functional piece of art.
Create an “Smart Pillow: Alarm” for all those heavy sleepers out there…
The alarm clock pillow could potentially include:
... Digital Alarm
... Vibrate Function - LilyPad Vibe Board
... Multiple LED Display
... Hand and Machine Embroidery
Step 1: List of Supplies:
Supplies for Smart Pillow:
What to make your pillow out of?
Anything! In this example, I recycled an old t-shirt and an old pillowcase.
ClockIt 1
Real Time Clock - DS3234 1
$9.95 9
4-Digit 7-Segment Display - Yellow
LilyPad Pro Kit
$ 39.95
LilyPad Vibe Board
Fuse-able Interfacing
Conductive Thread
Sewing Machine
Grommet Punch
Solder Iron
Clothes Iron
Red Thread
Blue Thread
What to make your pillow out of?
Anything! In this example, I recycled an old t-shirt and an old pillowcase.
ClockIt 1
Real Time Clock - DS3234 1
$9.95 9
4-Digit 7-Segment Display - Yellow
LilyPad Pro Kit
$ 39.95
LilyPad Vibe Board
Fuse-able Interfacing
Conductive Thread
Sewing Machine
Grommet Punch
Solder Iron
Clothes Iron
Red Thread
Blue Thread
Step 2: LED Layout in MAX
MAX/ MSP is a great place to layout LED Matrices.
IMAGE - A proposed LED layout created in MAX 5.
IMAGE - A proposed LED layout created in MAX 5.
Step 3: Embroidery Work
Create Embroidery Work...
Step 4: Layout - Conductive Thread
After completing embroidery work...
Test connections of LilyPad with conductive thread and LEDs
Choose a piece of cloth, cut to size and apply interfacing to piece of cloth to stitch conductive thread on.
Layout design for conductive thread
Test connections of LilyPad with conductive thread and LEDs
Choose a piece of cloth, cut to size and apply interfacing to piece of cloth to stitch conductive thread on.
Layout design for conductive thread
Step 5: Machine Stitch Conductive Thread
Use a sewing machine to stitch conductive thread
Color coding the bottom stitch helps to prevent crossing of negative and positive thread lines.
Glue ends of threads
Use a sewing machine to stitch conductive thread
Color coding the bottom stitch helps to prevent crossing of negative and positive thread lines.
Glue ends of threads
Step 6: Insert Grommets
Insert Grommets to help anchor LEDs.
I’ve used a soldering Iron to make holes to insert grommets into.
The grommets also connect the patch of cloth with conductive thread with embroidery patch.
I’ve used a soldering Iron to make holes to insert grommets into.
The grommets also connect the patch of cloth with conductive thread with embroidery patch.
Step 7: Connect LEDs and Vibe Board
Step 8: Build ClocKit
Follow instructions with kit. Do not attach speaker.
Step 9: Put All the Pieces Together
Step 10: Completed Pillow and CODE
int digPin[6] = {8, 9, 10, 11, 12 }; // LEDs // 5 "Rounds" of LED's (LED's connected to PIN 2 with light first, then LED's
int vibePin = 7; // VIBE BOARD //
int buzzPin = 4; // ALARM
int isOn = LOW;
int isBuzzerOn = 0;
unsigned long zeroCount = 0;
unsigned long timestash = 0; // Last time I did something.
/* SETUP - initialize variables; runs once; after each powerup/reset of LilyPad (micro-controller) */
void setup()
pinMode(digPin[0], OUTPUT);
pinMode(digPin[1], OUTPUT);
pinMode(digPin[2], OUTPUT);
pinMode(digPin[3], OUTPUT);
pinMode(digPin[4], OUTPUT);
pinMode(digPin[5], OUTPUT);
pinMode(vibePin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(buzzPin, INPUT);
/* LOOP - loops consectively, allowing program to change and respond, actively controls the LilyPad */
void loop()
unsigned long currTime = millis(); // Get my current time // -- This is the mechanism we use to do something every second without using a delay
unsigned long difTime = currTime - timestash; // current time subtracted from saved time to find the difference
// Is the Buzzer On?
if(digitalRead(buzzPin) > 0)
isBuzzerOn = 1;
zeroCount = 0;
} else {
// 20 zeros?
zeroCount +=1;
if(zeroCount > 20)
isBuzzerOn = 0;
if (isBuzzerOn==1) {
if (difTime > 1000) {
timestash = currTime; // I have to put the current time in timestash so I restart the timing
difTime = 0;
if (isOn == LOW) {
isOn = HIGH;
digitalWrite(vibePin, HIGH);
} else {
isOn = LOW;
digitalWrite(vibePin, LOW);
// turn on all the LEDs
digitalWrite(digPin[0], HIGH);
digitalWrite(digPin[1], HIGH);
digitalWrite(digPin[2], HIGH);
digitalWrite(digPin[3], HIGH);
digitalWrite(digPin[4], HIGH);
digitalWrite(digPin[5], HIGH);
// -- end of the one second thing
if (difTime > 100) {
digitalWrite(digPin[0], LOW);
if (difTime > 200) {
digitalWrite(digPin[1], LOW);
if (difTime > 300) {
digitalWrite(digPin[2], LOW);
if (difTime > 400) {
digitalWrite(digPin[3], LOW);
if (difTime > 500) {
digitalWrite(digPin[4], LOW);
if (difTime > 600) {
digitalWrite(digPin[5], LOW);
if (difTime > 700) {
digitalWrite(digPin[6], LOW);
int digPin[6] = {8, 9, 10, 11, 12 }; // LEDs // 5 "Rounds" of LED's (LED's connected to PIN 2 with light first, then LED's
int vibePin = 7; // VIBE BOARD //
int buzzPin = 4; // ALARM
int isOn = LOW;
int isBuzzerOn = 0;
unsigned long zeroCount = 0;
unsigned long timestash = 0; // Last time I did something.
/* SETUP - initialize variables; runs once; after each powerup/reset of LilyPad (micro-controller) */
void setup()
pinMode(digPin[0], OUTPUT);
pinMode(digPin[1], OUTPUT);
pinMode(digPin[2], OUTPUT);
pinMode(digPin[3], OUTPUT);
pinMode(digPin[4], OUTPUT);
pinMode(digPin[5], OUTPUT);
pinMode(vibePin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(buzzPin, INPUT);
/* LOOP - loops consectively, allowing program to change and respond, actively controls the LilyPad */
void loop()
unsigned long currTime = millis(); // Get my current time // -- This is the mechanism we use to do something every second without using a delay
unsigned long difTime = currTime - timestash; // current time subtracted from saved time to find the difference
// Is the Buzzer On?
if(digitalRead(buzzPin) > 0)
isBuzzerOn = 1;
zeroCount = 0;
} else {
// 20 zeros?
zeroCount +=1;
if(zeroCount > 20)
isBuzzerOn = 0;
if (isBuzzerOn==1) {
if (difTime > 1000) {
timestash = currTime; // I have to put the current time in timestash so I restart the timing
difTime = 0;
if (isOn == LOW) {
isOn = HIGH;
digitalWrite(vibePin, HIGH);
} else {
isOn = LOW;
digitalWrite(vibePin, LOW);
// turn on all the LEDs
digitalWrite(digPin[0], HIGH);
digitalWrite(digPin[1], HIGH);
digitalWrite(digPin[2], HIGH);
digitalWrite(digPin[3], HIGH);
digitalWrite(digPin[4], HIGH);
digitalWrite(digPin[5], HIGH);
// -- end of the one second thing
if (difTime > 100) {
digitalWrite(digPin[0], LOW);
if (difTime > 200) {
digitalWrite(digPin[1], LOW);
if (difTime > 300) {
digitalWrite(digPin[2], LOW);
if (difTime > 400) {
digitalWrite(digPin[3], LOW);
if (difTime > 500) {
digitalWrite(digPin[4], LOW);
if (difTime > 600) {
digitalWrite(digPin[5], LOW);
if (difTime > 700) {
digitalWrite(digPin[6], LOW);