Introduction: Snowman Sock Toy
This will show you how to turn a sock into your very own snowman toy! It even stands upright by itself!
Step 1: Step One
First off, you need many things. You need: a white sock, any size, but the size will be the size of your snowman, a piece of orange fabric or sock for the scarf and nose,nap black sock for the hat, black paint for the eyes and mouth, scissors, string, rice, a paintbrush or q-tip, and any kind of liquid glue. You also may need some paint for blush, but that's your choice.
Step 2: Step Two
Fill your sock with rice, and tie it off. Then fill it with rice again and tie that off. This creates the head and body.
Step 3: Step Three
Then cut off your black sock and glue that to the head, as well as glue a piece of orange sock on the snowman. Also glue on 2 stripes.
Step 4: Step Four
Then paint on the buttons and face.
Step 5: Yay
Congrats your very own snowman toy!