Introduction: Social Distancing Safety Card Using Ultrasonic Sensor
How to make social distancing warner device with Arduino uno, Ultrasonic sensor, Buzzzer
The government officials are advising everybody to keep social distances (1 meter). But I get it, keeping track of your surrounding while you are buried in your devices can be frustrating, that's why I built this system to help people with this.
1.Arduino UNO & Genuino UNO×1
2.Ultrasonic Sensor - HC-SR04×1
3.Buzzer×1 5 mm LED: Red
Step 1: Attach the Components
Attach ultrasonic sensor and buzzer according to the diagram
Step 2: Assembly
Assemble the sensors according to your use and your comfort.I have arrange them in an ID Card
please watch full video @YOUTUBE
Step 3: Upload the Given Code on Arduino UNO
Copy code from GITHUB and past it in arduino ide then upload