Introduction: Cycle Tips for the Apocalypse - Full Equipment Guide.

Here is my helpful guide to preparedness for total society breakdown, ( but it also applies for wilderness camping).
Hide in the hills until it all blows over.

This is quite a task to plan for but the Instructable before you is for straight survival; travel light, no gadgets just food and shelter.
The whole packed bags ( without food and water) weigh about 14kg and that includes the gun and the axe.

Getting on a bike; it allows you carry more equipment, travel further, expend less energy and outrun anyone.
(I get to the bike in Step 4).

With prolonged deprivation, one of the biggest dangers will be other humans, that is why my Instructable is aimed at getting away from them. . . I  choose the running away strategy.

Here is the photo of everything laid out but now I will explain why I chose each item.
I have given links to Amazon pages for many of the items to illustrate exactly what they are ( but they could be bought much cheaper elsewhere with research and I give links to several Army surplus stores in the other steps)
Please read on.

Step 1: Hierarchy of Needs. . . Firstly Water.

I start by breaking down my needs, which are the same as most people's so I can illustrate them using Maslow's famous diagram.

It's the bottom layer we are interested in; the rest is a bonus.

(I've only ever really used the bottom two tiers anyway.)

In a survival situation, clean, potable water is the most important thing; We can survive without food for weeks but to go without water for just one day would start a dangerous slide into dehydration from which we may not recover.

So a water filter will be necessary, more than one in fact:

-Firstly a 'straw' water filter allows you to simply suck water from the source, a stream for example.
-For larger quantities a pump filter; it's very easy to operate: just pump the handle to instantly remove contaminants from drinking water.

As a back up to this, Iodine solution; ( it is harmful if used long term); I have used it and the taste is not so bad.

Of course, boiling the water on a rolling boil will also make water safe to drink. ( if not contaminated with chemicals.)

Cooking equipment will come later in this Instructable.

Step 2: Food.

To begin with, one would have all the MRE packs that could be carried. ( Meal, Ready, to Eat); There are even vegetarian packs.

But eventually that will run out and hunting and foraging will be key.

I'm vegan but in this scenario that lifestyle choice is a decadent luxury and I'll soon be chomping on a rabbit's leg.


SAS Survival Handbook: The ultimate guide to surviving anywhere.

It illustrates the foods that can and cannot be eaten, how to construct animal traps and how to prepare meat and everything really.

Also helpful at this point a firearm or powerful air gun would be helpful to hunt and to ward off nasty men.

Step 3: Shelter and Clothing.

Staying warm and dry is essential.

Clothes: I suggest:

-A German army Rubberised Poncho; they have many uses and keep you 100% dry.
-Waterproof trousers- again I would forget Goretex and go for German military issue.
-Goretex army boots- Again 100% dry, tough and very comfortable.
-Goretex military mittens.

All other clothing should be thin layers and fleeces and in muted colours.
No heavy cottons or denims but cotton underwear.

Shelter; I suggest:

-A lightweight tent in green; this is a Terra Nova and is very well made.
-At least a three season sleeping bag; preferably higher.
-A bivvy bag; for rough sleeping or to further insulate the sleeping bag.
-A Self inflating Sleep pad; these are so much more comfortable than foam.

There are many army surplus stores to buy these things;       (this one has good stuff but is expensive).

Step 4: Getting Around.

Petrol has gone.

Get on a bike; you can carry more equipment, travel further, expend less energy and outrun anyone.

A tough bike is needed. ( I use a Kona)

( or if you can afford it, a Surly  )

Use Kevlar reinforced tyres to prevent flats.( Marathon plus).

Use waterproof panniers; I use Ortlieb rollers, they are excellent.

At least two water cage brackets.

Toolkit for the bike and some spare spokes and innertubes.

Maps are needed; High quality Ordnance Survey maps.
Binoculars are good for assessing the terrain.
A compass is lightweight and extremely useful.
Tips for compass use here-

Adding a front rack allows you to carry much more food.

Step 5: Cooking Equipment.

There are Hexamine stoves, camping gas stoves and a petrol and paraffin stove but all of them become useless when the fuel runs out.

For weight reasons the Hexamine stove makes sense out of the three; they are tiny and very efficicient.

After that a real wood fire is needed.

So we need an axe, ideally a wire saw, lots of lighters and a fire steel (the magnesium rod is great for lighting fires; please see the link below.)

Stainless pot and Stainless mug + scourer.

1 Spoon.

1 Knife. I like the Camilus pilot survival knife; it has a solid buttcap than can be used as a hammer.
The saw on this knife was made to cut through aircraft grade aluminium.
Please see the link below for modifications and additions made to this sheath to make it into a mini survival kit.

Step 6: Hygiene.

Toothbrush and paste and floss ( the floss is also useful for other things).



Vaseline ( good for saddle rub, waterproofing boots, lubing bike, chapped lips, etc.)

Resign your self to the fact that hot soapy baths are a thing of the past.

Step 7: Beyond the Basics.

A headtorch.

A solar battery charger ( or better still a charger running off the bike dynamo.)

A sewing kit (Also useful for stitching skin; and within this kit should be some hooks and a coiled length of fishing line.)

Wind up radio ( could be seen as a luxury but also may provide  valuable information.)

Waterproof tape; useful for everything.


Suggested luxuries-
Mp3 Player.
A pen and pad.
A hand mirror.
A hand trowel.

Step 8: Conclusion.

The reality is that I would crumble like a Ritz cracker within a month but until then I would be warm and dry and full.

But writing something like this does make me appreciate what I have.

It's a beautiful world; have a happy apocalypse ! 

Now go  and watch The Road.

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