Introduction: Soda Fountain

Make an impressive fountain with a two liter bottle of soda and a package of Mentos!

Step 1: Gather Materials

You will need a two liter bottle of soda, a pack of Mentos, a piece of scratch paper, and some tape.

Step 2: Make a Funnel

Roll the paper up and tape it so that it makes a funnel. It should be able to fit inside the mouth of the bottle and the Mentos should still be able to fall through. This will be used to channel a lot of Mentos into the bottle.

Step 3: Test It!

You will want to go outside for this one. Find a spot that can get a little soaked in soda, this can be sticky to clean up. Unscrew the cap and hold or tape the funnel to the bottle. When you are ready, pour some Mentos down the funnel and back up! It will react very fast, and the fountain can reach heights up to 15'.

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