Introduction: Soft Conductive Crochet Piano
I crochet a series of piano keys using conductive thread and different types of yarn. Each key was connected to a Makey Makey to create an interactive soft Crochet Piano.
- crochet hook (matching with the yarn you will use)
- yarn
- conductive thread
- Makey Makey board
- crocodile clamps (included with the Makey Makey board)
- black felt sheet
Step 1: Experiment #1
In order to establish a baseline for the interaction between the Makey Makey and the yarn, I constructed four circles using solely acrylic yarn. I connected the four circles to the Makey Makey and used the Piano App provided on the Makey Makey website to test the connectivity.
- The acrylic circles were able to activate the piano keyboards, yet they were unreliable.
- I noticed that the more the connection clamp touched the yarn, the more reliable. Hence I think that the circles may have been too big to activate the Makey Makey.
Step 2: Experiment #2
For this experiment, I crochet three circles using different yarn types and connected them to the Makey Makey with the Piano App.
The goal was to very quickly explore which circle (yarn type) created a better connection or signal. The first circle (purple yarn) was crocheted using 100% cotton yarn. The second circle was made with 100% acrylic yarn. The third circle was made of acrylic yarn and conductive thread.
- The Makey Makey received a relatively strong signal from the cotton yarn.
- The crochet circle made of acrylic yarn was unpredictable; it occasionally failed to activate the Makey Makey.
- The acrylic and conductive yarn were able to reliable activate the Makey Makey.
Step 3: Playing Around With a Crochet Amigurumi
Step 4: Crochet Piano
After experimenting with the Makey Makey Piano App and different types of yarn I wanted to create a Fluffy Piano and using different yarn textures.
- Crocheting with very texture yarn mixed with conductive thread was challenging.
- The very fluffy keys will touch nearby keys and activate keys that were not touched.
Step 5: Conlcusion
- As opposed to a single string or basic crochet chains, a group of stitches is more dependable to activate the Makey Makey.
- The dependability and conductivity of the crochet piece are improved by the addition of conductive thread.
- Conductive thread makes it difficult to crochet since it easily tangles.
- Although the keys are fun and lovely, the finished project still has conductivity issues due to the keys' fluffy nature, which causes each key to touch the other and cause a short circuit between the keys.
- The amount of conductive thread used while crocheting with conductive yarn rises, although if this is a concern, an additional thread can be added to the crocheted item later.