Introduction: Soil Moisture Detector


9D 林心蓉 Flora Lin

簡介: For my Arduino project, I wanted to make something meaningful that can actually help me solve the problems that I face in my life. I thought about the things I struggled with and the first thing that came in my mind is how I always forget to do things and one of those things is watering my plants. So I made a device that would automatically remind me to water my plants if/ when the soil gets too dry. This way the device would not only be a project for school but also can be really useful in my life too


I didn’t completely follow the tutorial, as you can see, the circuit and codes are different, I only used this website to get ideas and see the materials I needed. I added the alarm that would actually remind me to water the plant.



Materials needed for this project are:

1k resistors x1 Image result for resistor

LED light x1 Image result for led light arduino

10k piezo Buzzer x1Image result for piezo buzzer

Soil moisture detector set x1 Image result for Soil moisture detector set

Assorted wires Image result for arduino wires

Arduino Leonardo x1 Image result for arduino leonardo

Breadboardx1Image result for breadboard

Step 1: Procedure for Making the Device Pt.1


Step 1 In case the picture wasn’t clear enough,

GND >> -

5v >> +

for the moisture sensor:


DO >> A0

VCC+ >> +

For the buzzer:

+ >> pin 6~

- >> -

For the LED light:

Anode >> Resistor >> pin 7

Cathode >> -

Step 2: Procedure for Making the Device Pt.2


Step 1: find a box that fits the board

Step 2: Measure a hole on the top of the box to stick the sensor out

Step 3: cut out the hole

Step 4: find and measure a hole big enough to fit the USB cord

Step 5: cut out the hole

Step 6: also on the top of the box, cut a smaller hole to put the LED light through

Step 7: place the device in the box with the USB cords plugged in and seal the box

Step 3: Procedure for Making the Device Pt.3


Step 1: find some dried out soil

Step 2: place the sensor in the soil and check that the buzzer and LED lights work properly

Step 3: pour water in the soil and check if it properly detected the moisture and stopped the alarm

Step 4: Conclusion + Final Product

In the end despite all of the frustrating times where I would get stuck on a line of coding or when I had to start over because it did not work, I was pretty proud of the device that I made. It was not only useful, but I also learnt a lot on the way, I pushed myself to do more even when I didn't want to and I improved my computer skills a lot during the duration of this task.

The video of my device actually working is here: