Introduction: Solar Piano
Maker : kushal kumar.k
Location: Banjarapalya E4D Makerspace
I make this project for Build Night with Brown Dog Gadgets
1.Card board
3.Brown dog solar panel
5.Aluminum tape
6.Copper tape
Step 1: Make Board for Piano
Take cardboard and cut it as shown in the image with the help of scissor.Take
Step 2: Fix Resistor to the Board
Take resistors (220e,330e,975,470e,10e,15e,47e,39e) and put it in order wise and take copper tape and fix it as shown in the image.
Step 3: Fix Buzzer
Take Buzzer and fix it as shown in the image.
Step 4: Stick Aluminum Tape
Take aluminum foil and fix it to the resistor and buzzer as shown in the image.
Step 5: Stick Aluminum Tape Down
After fixing the top side make small peaces of aluminum tape and stick it down part of resister as shown in the image.
Step 6: Fix Brown Dog Solar Panel to the Piano
Take Brown dog solar panel and fix positive wire to the buzzer and negative side is for touching the resisters as shown in the image.