Introduction: Solder LED Fume Extractor


I made this fume extractor because I didn't want to inhale the toxic fume's that are released when soldering.

I had made a fume extractor al long while ago, but the platform that it was standing on wasn't reliable and would fall a lot. The platform that this one is standing on is very stable.

I hope you will also make some kind of fume extractor yourselves!!

things you need:

-old lamp

-2x Led strip's

-3,6k ohm resistor

-some wire


-active carbon pond filter

-hot glue gun

-electrical tape

-computer fan

Step 1: Lamp

Choose an old bending lamp, the ones that you can attach to an table.

Step 2: Lamp

I was lucky, my lamp has these cut's or shafts on the back, that is convenient because the air can flow out again.

Step 3: Switch

Step 4: LED

I was very happy about these led strips, they give a lot of light.

(if you are using led strips you need to be careful that you don't burn them!)

Step 5: Activated Carbon

place the carbon against the inside of the lamp, so it seals the inside wall.

This helps to filter the fumes out, I bought this one at my local pet store.

they are originally used to filter water in an aquarium.

(sorry bad photo, but it's behind the fan.)

Step 6: The Circuit

I'm not an electrician so I tried to draw the circuit as simple as possible,but I think you get the idea :)

I used 9v but you can use less power.

I used a 3,6k ohm resistor, this way I had enough light and enough fan speed.

My lights didn't burn out, but do this project at your own risk.

-the negative wire of the power supply goes to the negative wire of the fan and negative side of the LED.

-the positive wire goes to the switch and leaves the switch, then one wire connects to the positive wire of the fan and one to the 3,6k ohm resistor then it leaves the resistor to the positive side on the LED.

Step 7: Putting It Together

1) Run the wires trough the hole of the lamp,secure the switch with tape.

2) Make the solder connections.

3) Cut the carbon slightly larger than the round of the lamp, and push it in.

4) put hot glue around the edge of the lamp and quickly push the fan against it, and let it cool.


Step 8: Voilá

hope you enjoyed this project, and solder safer now.

*i'm new to instrucktables, so a few tips could come in handy ;)*