Introduction: Soldering Holder
Notice when i use my design you should be having your wood and cut whatever is the following!+
(This was for a project in my school)
Step 1: Gather Your Materials
1.Soldering tool
5.drill gun
11.super glue
Step 2: Making a Design
Your design primarily to hold your soldering tool, if you do then you can add on and so forth.
I'll be designing it on here since its easier for me
Step 3: Make Your Base
Make it 5in by 2.5in
Then Extrude it by 0.5in
Step 4: Make Measurements for Your First Holder
Make construction lines on both top left and right points going to the middle.
Then going 1.254in down make a construction line going across the base
Step 5: Making the 1st Holder
Now get a rectangle and place the first point and put your second point across it, then make the height 1in
This should be another block of wood
Step 6: Measurements for the Second Place Holder
Now make a construction line at the half mark of the rectangle going down as the red lines i marked for 1.250in
Step 7: Making the Second Holder
Just like when we made our first one the Distance from both of them should be 1.5 in apart
This should be another block of wood
Step 8: Extruding It
Now extrude both of them 1.5in
Step 9: Start a 2-D Sketch
Start it on where the X is on the 1st holder
Step 10: Making the Holder #1
Get a Arc line and put point 1 and point 2 across from each other
Go down and put in 0.7
The Extrude it using Direction 2 to cut it
Step 11: Cutting the 2nd Holder
Start a 2-D sketch on that face of the rectangle
Make a rectangle and make the height 0.5in
Then extrude it going Direction 2 (MAKE SURE IT DOES NOT CUT #1 PLACE HOLDER)
Step 12: Making the Holder #2
Start a 2-D sketch on that face on place holder #2
then get an arc and make both points on each end point and put in 1.5in
You will need to create a line going across on top the arc to close it so you can extrude it
Extrude it going Direction 2
Step 13: Finished!
It should like this
Once you super glue it, nail it, or screw it on.