Introduction: Soldering Station Made by Myself on the Basis of Arduino

hello! Once I spoke about the soldering station on the Arduino and immediately overwhelmed me questions (how? / Where? / When?). Given the mass of requests, I decided to write a review of simple soldering station (soldering iron only) based on Arduino.

Why Arduino? After all, there are a lot of controllers, faster and cheaper. In such cases, I usually answer: — cheap, practical, fast.

Indeed, the Arduino Pro Mini is now worth $ 1.63 for 1 piece (recently sent) and atmega8 worth $ 1 (wholesale price). It turns out that the board Pro Mini with bodywork (quartz, capacitors, stabilizers) should not that expensive, plus the entire time saver. Also very time saving IDE-shell for Arduino, easy and fast it copes even a schoolboy. Given the popularity and cheapness, I decided to put it on the Arduino.

To create a soldering station, we first of all need a pen soldering station, it is often the Chinese station type 907 A1322 939.

Let's start.

Features handle:

Voltage: 24V DC

Power: 50W (60W)

Temperature: 200 ℃ ~ 480 ℃

Step 1: LM358N and IRFZ44

To control handle a soldering iron first thing we need to remove the data from the temperature sensor, this will help us LM358N. This scheme is already running at me almost 2 years.

You may notice the empty socket near the indicator is blank under LM358N, just analogue KA358 showed poor results in their work. So I took the unit of temperature sensors on the LM358N for soldering station with a hairdryer

Next, we need to control (turn on and off) the heating element of the soldering iron, this will help to transistor switching IRFZ44. His connection is very simple:

I want to draw your attention to the future operation of the heating element. We include it in three phases by PWM modulation. At the start of the program will include nearly maximum power (90% duty cycle), when approaching a predetermined temperature power is reduced (35-45% duty cycle), and the minimum difference between the current and desired temperature power kept to a minimum (30-35% duty cycle). Thus we eliminate the inertia of overheating. Again, soldering station working steadily for almost 2 years, and the fuser is not in continuous full load (which prolongs its life). All settings can be edited in the program.

Step 2: Connect the Soldering Iron Need the Following Scheme:

Connect the soldering iron is necessary as follows
Note that the connector on the panel of the station, but not on the handle.

Very insist: Check the handle before the start, relax and check the integrity of the heating element, as well as the exact cable wires on the connector.

. Next, we need a controller to demonstrate, I chose the Arduino Uno - as the most popular and convenient. Please note that I do soldering station unit, and it enables you to select the controller. In addition, we have two buttons to catch up with the + 5V 10k resistance and 7-segment display into three categories. Conclusions segments I connected through a resistance of 100 ohms.


D0 -

D1 - b

D2 - with

D3 - d

D4 - address

D5 - F

D6 - g

D7 - DP


D8 - cathode 3

D9 - cathode 2

D10 - cathode 1

I would also like to note that we put a button on the analog pins 3 and 2. And in the program, I question them as analog. I did this in order not to mislead the younger generation. Not everyone knows where to find the pin 14, 15 and 16. And considering that the speed is enough memory in the controller and much, then it will be easier.

Step 3:

Next, you must choose a power supply. I took the power supply from some laptop at 22V 3A, it suffices to reserve. Consumption at the start of the soldering iron 1.5A and 0.5A, with the support of temperature. So choose the one most appropriate power supply, it is desirable to 24V DC 2A.

In the photo above, you can see the wires tight and it scares many. Understand, this demo version for any controller, the station can be assembled and compact, for example

This is a good example for your project soldering station. Video, which clearly will help you understand how to collect himself:

Videos on YouTube