Introduction: Solution for Eachine EV800D FPV Goggles Powering Off

About: Hey there! Welcome to my Instructable Page! I am an Electrical and Computer Engineer that loves building cool stuff! I want to share my passion and enthusiasm for Engineering through awesome projects! Alon…

If you are reading this right now, it is probably because you are so bummed that your brand new Eachine EV800D googles are powering off by themselves. Or, because you are an FPV enthusiast and want to avoid any issue with your FPV goggles.

In both cases rest assured, there is nothing to worry about, and the fix is SUPER easy.

Keep reading to know how to solve this issue, and if you would like to support the channel make sure to SUBSCRIBE!


You don't really need much, you will just need the following:
- A laptop (Mac or Windows)

- A SD card reader/writer, either integrated within the laptop or a separate one.

- A SD card with a maximum size of 32GB

Step 1: Step 1: Know the Cause of the Problem

So the problem mainly resides in the format of the SD card. There are 3 main requirements that your SD card needs to match in order to avoid the Issue.

1- It should have a maximum size of 32GB

2- It should be formatted in the FAT32 format (MS-DOS (FAT) on mac)

3- It should have a name made of 4 letters maximum (ie: name your SD card "32GB" or "ABCD")

I know these rules might feel awkward but for some reason, these goggles will crash if all those rules are not met.

Step 2: Step 2: Format Your SD Card

So to solve the problem, Insert the SD card into your laptop or SD card reader/writer.

Once you can see the SD card on your screen you are good to go.

Depending on your Operating System (OS) there is a different method to format an SD card.

If you are using a Mac you can do so in the Disk Utility (Check the video to see how).

While formatting make sure to select FAT32 (MS-DOS(FAT) on mac) as your format type and choose a name of 4 letters maximum, the most convenient would be "32GB" or the size of your sd card.

Step 3: Step 3: MOST IMPORTANT STEP!! Prevent Your Goggles From Catching Fire.

In order to prevent your goggles from catching fire midflight, it is EXTREMELY necessary that you Subscribe to my Channel and Like the video.

Okay I'm joking your goggles won't catch fire, but seriously now, consider supporting me by Subscribing!

Now go on, and enjoy your flying!