Introduction: Solution for No Parking Zones

This project is a result of the inspiration that my team got from a newspaper article. The article talked about people parking their vehicles in no parking zones. This has become a big issue which results in traffic jams and inconvenience for others. So, after brainstorming for some time we came up with this solution. Wherein, we use an ultrasonic sensor to detect the presence of a vehicle. After giving a leverage of 10 seconds, a buzzer goes off, indicating the driver to move the vehicle. The buzzer will keep on making the sound till the driver doesn’t move the vehicle from that place. To make this simple project, you would need the following things:

1. Arduino Uno and Genuino

2. Jumper wires (MF wires)

3. Ultrasonic sensor (1)

4. Buzzer (2)

5. USB cable

Step 1: Connect the Hardware

a. We begin by connecting the first buzzer to the Arduino board using MF jumper wires. Connect the positive terminal of the buzzer to pin number 4 and the other terminal of the buzzer to GND (ground) on the Arduino board.

b. Repeat the same process with the second buzzer. Connect the positive terminal of the buzzer to pin number 7 and the other terminal of the buzzer to another GND (ground) on the Arduino board.

c. Now, let’s connect the Ultrasonic sensor. You will find 4 pins on this sensor- GND, VCC, echo and trigger. Connect:-

  • GND of the sensor to GND on the Arduino.
  • Echo to pin 5 on the Arduino.
  • Trigger to pin 6 on the Arduino.
  • VCC to 5 V poer supply on the Arduino.

d.The Hardware connections are almost done. Lastly, use USB brain cable to connect Arduino board to the laptop.

Step 2: It’s Time to Code!

Open Arduino Genuino on your laptop. Now, code as given in the image.

Step 3: Upload the Code and Verify!

Finally, the hardware as well as the codes are ready. Now, upload the codes and check if it works (Check on serial monitor). Bring an object closer to the Ultrasonic sensor and wait. The buzzer would go off in 10 seconds. The leverage of time can be increased or decreased as per the requirement.

Step 4: Your Project Is Ready.

Step 5: