Introduction: Sony Movie Studio Platinum 12.0!! Part 2

About: I post how to videos on youtube and run my own business on the side making hand crafted keychains, Jewelry and other items. One of my main goals in life is to help as many people as I can and just knowing tha…

This Instructable will show you how to edit a video in Sony Movie Studio Platinum 12.0

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Step 1: Open Sony Movie Studio Platinum 12.0

Windows 7 or Earlier

1. Method #1 : Start Menu

  • Go to the Start Menu
  • Type in Movie Studio Platinum 12.0
  • Double Click on the Icon to Open it

2. Method #2 : Desktop

  • Go to your Desktop
  • Double Click on the Icon to Open it

Windows 8 or 8.1

1. Method #1 : Sidebar

  • Open the Side Bar
  • Type in Movie Studio Platinum 12.0
  • Click on the Program to Open it

2. Method #2 : Start Menu

  • Go to the Start Menu
  • Click on the Downward Arrow in the Bottom Left corner
  • Type Movie Studio Platinum 12.0 in the Search Box
  • Click on the Program to Open it
  • Instead of Searching you can also Scroll Over until you Find the Program

3. Method #3 : Desktop

  • Go to your Desktop
  • Double click on the Icon to Open it

Step 2: Add a Title to Your Video

1. Click on the Media Generators tab

2. Click on Titles & Text

3. Select the Title Preset you would like to use

4. Drag the Title Preset to the Timeline

5. Place the Title Preset in the Text Track

6. The Video Media Generator will Open

  • Video Media Generator allows you to :

- Change the Frame Size

- Change the Duration of the Text

- Change the Font Size/Style

- Change the Font to Bold/Italics

- Set the Alignment to Left/Right/Center

- Change the Text Color

- Change the Scale Level

- Change the Anchor Point

- Change the Background Color

- Change the Tracking

- Change the Line Spacing

- Change the Outline Width

- Change the Outline Color

- Enable a Shadow

- Change the Shadow Color

- Change the Shadow Offsets

- Change the Shadow Blur

7. Backspace the Name of the Preset

8. Enter the Title of your Video

9. Set the Title Slide the way you want it

10. Click on the X in the Top Right corner of the Video Media Generator to Ex out of it

11. Save your video

a) Method #1: Menu

  • Click on Project
  • Click on Save As
  • Type the Title of your Video
  • Click on Save

b) Method #2 : Keyboard Shortcut

  • Press CTRL + S on your Keyboard
  • Type the Title of your Video
  • Click on Save

Step 3: Remove Unwanted Parts of the Slide

1. Play the Slide

a) Method #1 : Play Buttons

  • Press the Play Button Under the Video Preview
  • Press the Play Button Under the Timeline

b) Method #2: Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Press the Space Bar on your Keyboard
  • Press CTRL + Space on your Keyboard
  • Press F12 or Fn + F12 on your Keyboard
  • Press Enter on your Keyboard

2. Pause the Video where you would like to Split it

a) Method #1 : Pause Buttons

  • Press the Pause Button Under the Video Preview
  • Press the Pause button Under the Timeline

b) Method #2 : Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Press the Space Bar on your Keyboard
  • Press CTRL + Space on your Keyboard
  • Press F12 or Fn + F12 on your Keyboard
  • Press Enter on your Keyboard

3. Split the Title Slide

a) Method #1: Menu

  • Right Click with your Mouse or Track Pad
  • Select Split

b) Method #2 : Keyboard Shortcut

  • Press S on your Keyboard

4. Delete any Unwanted Parts of the Slide

a) Method #1 : Menu

  • Right Click with your Mouse or Track Pad
  • Select Delete or Cut

b) Method #2 : Keyboard Shortcut

  • Press CTRL + X (Cut) on your Keyboard

5. Save your Video

Step 4: Delete the Video Overlay Track

1. Right Click on the Video Overlay Track

2. Select Delete

3. Save your Video

Step 5: Add Music to the Title Slide

1. Scroll Down to the Music Track

2. Select the Project Media tab

3. Click on Import Media

4. Select your Music Folder

5. Select the Song you want to use

6. Click Open

  • You can also Double Click on the Song

7. Drag the Song to the Timeline

8. Place the Song on the Music Track

9. Scroll Up to the Text Track

10. Drag the Cursor until it Lines Up with the End of the Title Slide

11. Scroll Down to the Music Track

12. Split the Song

13. Drag the Bigger Half of the Song to the Right leaving room to Edit Video Clips in the the Middle

14. Scroll Up to the Text Track

15. Save your Video

Step 6: Add Video Clips

1. Make sure your in the Project Media tab

2. Click Import Media

3. Select your Video Folder

4. Select the Video Clips you want to use

a) Method #1 : One at a Time

  • Select one Video Clip
  • Click Open

b) Method #2 : More Then One at Once

  • Select the First Video Clip you want to use
  • Hold in the Shift Key on your Keyboard
  • Select the Last Video Clip you want to use
  • This will Highlight the First Video Clip, the Last Video Clip and Any Video Clips In Between them
  • Double Click on the First Video Clip or Click Open

5. Drag the First Video Clip to the Timeline

6. Place the Video Clip on the Video Track

  • If you Added more then one Video Clip at once, all the Video Clips you added together will now be on the Timeline one after another
  • If you would like to Edit one Video Clip at a time be sure to Add each Video Clip Seperately (Refer to Step 4)

7. Save your Video

Step 7: Edit Video Clips

1. Play the First Video Clip

2. Split out and Delete any Unwanted Parts of the Video Clip

3. Repeat until you have No Video Clips Left

4. Save your Video

5. Add anything else to your Video

  • You can Add Music to your Video Clips
  • You can also Put Pictures in your Video
  • If you would like to Add Pictures to your Video you can place the Pictures on the Video Track
  • I would suggest Adding Music to the Background if you do Add Pictures

Step 8: Add End Credits

1. Select the Media Generator tab

2. Select Credit Roll

3. Choose the Credit Roll Preset you would like to use

4. Drag the Credit Roll Preset to the Timeline

5. Place the Credit Roll Preset in the Text Track at the End of your Video

6. The Video Media Generator will Open

  • Video Media Generator allows you to :

- Change the Frame Size

- Change the Text Duration

- Change the Effect

- Change the Text Position

- Change the Scroll Direction

- Set Text as Header/Single Item/Dual Item

- Change the Font Style/Size/Color

- Set Text to Bold/Italics

- Set the Alignment to Left/Right/Center

- Change the Tracking

- Change the Space Above/Space Below

- Change the Background Color

7. Backspace Tile Text

8. Type in Directed By :

9. Backspace Subitem Text

10. Type in your Name

11. Add anything else to the Credit Roll

a) Add a Starring Section

  • Backspace Item Left
  • Type in Starring
  • Backspace Item Right
  • Type in the Name of someone Starring in your Video
  • You can Add more Names by Backspacing Longer Item Left, Longer Item Right and and Typing in Names
  • If you Run Out of room don't worry, once you get to the Last Line and Type in a Name another line will be Added for you
  • When your Finished Typing in Names Backspace any Remaining Text
  • Click on the X in the Top Left corner of Video Media Generator to Ex out of it

b) No Starring Section

  • Backspace Item Left/Item Right
  • Backspace
  • Click on the X in the Top Left corner of Video Media Generator to Ex out of it

12. Spilt out and Delete any Unwanted Parts of the Credit Roll

13. Save your Video

Step 9: Add Music to the Credit Roll

1. Drag the Cursor until it Lines Up with the Start of your Credit Roll

2. Scroll Down to the Music Track

3. Drag the Bigger Half of the Music over until it Lines Up with the Cursor

4. Scroll up to the Text Track

5. Drag the Cursor until it Lines Up with the End of your Credit Roll

6. Scroll Down to the Music Track

7. Split the Music

8. Delete the Remaining Music left After the Cursor

9. Save your Video

Step 10: Make Movie

1. Select Project

2. Click on Make Movie

3. The Make Movie Window will Open

  • Select what you want to do with your video

- Upload it to YouTube

- Share it Online

- Burn it to a DVD or Blu-ray Disc

- Save it to my Camera or Portable Device

- Save it to my Hard Drive

4. Render As will Open

  • Choose the Folder where you want to Save your Video
  • Name your Video
  • Choose the Output Format
  • Click Render
  • Check Close the dialog box when rendering completes
  • Wait for your Video to Finish Rendering

5. Exit Sony Movie Studio Platinum 12.0

a) Method #1 : Menu

  • Select Project
  • Click on Exit

b) Method #2 : X

  • Click on the X in the top Right corner

c) Method #3 : Keyboard Shortcut

  • Press Alt + F4 or Alt + Fn + F4 on your Keyboard

Step 11: Open Your Finished Video

1. Go to your Desktop

2. Double Click on Recycle Bin to Open it

3. Double Click on Documents to Open the Folder

4. Look for a Folder called Sony Movie Studio Platinum 12.0 Projects

5. Double Click on the Folder to Open it

6. Search for your Video