Introduction: Soporte Plegable Para TV (foldable TV Bracket)
Hace un mes, más o menos, convencí a mi mujer de cambiar el viejo TV CRT de su habitación por uno LCD. El argumento principal fue el tamaño y la forma plana, mucho más cómoda, dado que se podía colgar de la pared. La habitación de ella tiene una forma algo exótica, dado que hace unos dos años hicimos construir dentro de la misma un pequeño cuarto de baño. Pero le ofrecí hacer un soporte articulado, de manera de poder plegarlo contra el ángulo de la pared, o desplegarlo según la necesidad.
A month ago or so, I convinced my wife to change the old CRT TV in his room by one LCD. The main argument was the size and flat shape, more comfortable, because you could hang it on the wall. Her room has a somewhat exotic shape, because about two years ago we built within it a small bathroom. But I offered to do a wall TV bracket so it can fold on the wall angle, or deploy as needed.
A month ago or so, I convinced my wife to change the old CRT TV in his room by one LCD. The main argument was the size and flat shape, more comfortable, because you could hang it on the wall. Her room has a somewhat exotic shape, because about two years ago we built within it a small bathroom. But I offered to do a wall TV bracket so it can fold on the wall angle, or deploy as needed.
Step 1: El Marco Para El TV (TV Frame)
Lo primero fue poner el TV boca abajo sobre una superficie suave, con el objeto de tomar las medidas y la disposición de los agujeros que vienen previstos para colgarlo de la pared. Hecho esto, construí en hierro de 3"/4 x 1"/8 un bastidor con los cuatro agujeros, que se extendiera hacia el borde del TV, del lado donde irían las bisagras.
The first was to put the TV face down on a soft surface, in order to take measures and disposition of the holes that are made to hang it on the wall. That done, I built an iron frame 3"/4 x 1"/8 with four holes, which extend to the edge of the TV, on the side where the hinges would be.
The first was to put the TV face down on a soft surface, in order to take measures and disposition of the holes that are made to hang it on the wall. That done, I built an iron frame 3"/4 x 1"/8 with four holes, which extend to the edge of the TV, on the side where the hinges would be.
Step 2: El Marco Para La Pared (wall Brake)
Acá cometí un pequeño error de diseño, afortunadamente nada serio. La única consecuencia fue que gasté algunos centavos más de hierro que lo estrictamente necesario. Más concretamente, lo hice del mismo tamaño que el marco para el TV, cuando habría bastado con la cuarta parte.
Here I made a small error in design, fortunately nothing serious. The result was that I spent only a few cents more iron than is strictly necessary. More specifically, I did it the same size as the frame for the TV, when it would have sufficed quarter.
Here I made a small error in design, fortunately nothing serious. The result was that I spent only a few cents more iron than is strictly necessary. More specifically, I did it the same size as the frame for the TV, when it would have sufficed quarter.
Step 3: Las Bisagras (the Hinges)
No pude conseguir bisagras de la medida apropiada, así que compré unas más grandes y las corté con la amoladora. Mientras las hacía, reflexioné que no era nada seguro usarlas tal como estaban, tipo ficha, porque en alguna circunstancia el TV podría caerse al moverlo con poco cuidado. Entonces reemplacé los pernos lisos y cortos originales por tornillos más largos, lo cual me permitiría ponerles tuerca y chaveta. Amo las chavetas, tan sencillas y eficaces. Agrego nota al final.
I could not get the appropriate measure hinges, so I bought some larger and cut with the grinder. While ago, I thought it was nothing safe to use them as they were, plug type, because in some circumstances the TV may fall if moved with little care. Then I replaced the original smooth and short bolts for longer screws, this allowing me to put them nut and cotter pin. I love the cotter pins, so simple and effective. Added endnote.
I could not get the appropriate measure hinges, so I bought some larger and cut with the grinder. While ago, I thought it was nothing safe to use them as they were, plug type, because in some circumstances the TV may fall if moved with little care. Then I replaced the original smooth and short bolts for longer screws, this allowing me to put them nut and cotter pin. I love the cotter pins, so simple and effective. Added endnote.
Step 4: Ajustes 1 (adjustments 1)
Al instalar el marco en el TV surgió la primera necesidad de ajuste: los agujeros de entrada quedaban tapados por uno de los hierros. Así que le hice a este un desvío hacia abajo, pero como no fue suficiente, hice también una muesca redondeada para que el conector del cable entrara y saliera con toda facilidad. No hay peligro de rotura del marco, dado que está sobredimensionado respecto a la fuerza que tiene que hacer.
When installed the framework in the TV, the first adjustment necessity arose: the input holes were covered by one of the irons. So I made it a turn down, but as it was not enough, I also do a rounded notch for the cable connector could go in and out with ease. No danger of breakage of the frame, as is oversized relative to the strength it need to do.
When installed the framework in the TV, the first adjustment necessity arose: the input holes were covered by one of the irons. So I made it a turn down, but as it was not enough, I also do a rounded notch for the cable connector could go in and out with ease. No danger of breakage of the frame, as is oversized relative to the strength it need to do.
Step 5: Instalaci�n (installation)
Afortunadamente la pared donde lo instalé es más fuerte de lo que yo esperaba, por eso me dio bastante trabajo hacer los 6 agujeros de 8mm para asegurarlo con tacos fischer y tornillos de acero. Una vez atornillado a la pared el marco correspondiente, tuve que pedirle ayuda a mi mujer para que pusiera los tornillos de las bisagras mientras yo sostenía el TV (11 kg, si usted quiere saberlo).
Fortunately the wall where I installed it is stronger than I expected, so I did a lot of work to do the six 8mm holes to secure it with fischer plugs and steel screws. Once bolted to the wall the corresponding frame, I had to ask my wife help to put the screws on the hinges while I held the TV (11 kg, if you want to know).
Fortunately the wall where I installed it is stronger than I expected, so I did a lot of work to do the six 8mm holes to secure it with fischer plugs and steel screws. Once bolted to the wall the corresponding frame, I had to ask my wife help to put the screws on the hinges while I held the TV (11 kg, if you want to know).
Step 6: Ajustes 2 (adjustments 2)
Surgió otro pequeño problemita: la pared no era bien vertical, así que el TV tendía a abrirse de la pared, quedando en posición perpendicular a esta, haciendo fuerza sobre el marco de la pared en la peor posición posible. Lo solucioné bastante fácilmente, soldando al marco de la pared un refuerzo de hierro bien robusto cerca de la bisagra superior, y agregando abajo un tornillo que aprieta contra el refuerzo y separa de la pared la bisagra inferior. Santo remedio: regulando la posición de este tornillo logré que el TV quede estable en cualquier posición que uno lo deje.
Came another little problem: the wall was not well vertically, so the TV tended to open up the wall, being perpendicular to this, exerting force on the wall frame in the worst possible position. That was quite easily solved by welding to the wall frame a robust iron reinforcement near the upper hinge, and adding down a screw that tightens against the backing and separated from the wall the lower hinge. Holy remedy this: by adjusting the position of this screw I could get the TV is stable in any position you leave it.
Came another little problem: the wall was not well vertically, so the TV tended to open up the wall, being perpendicular to this, exerting force on the wall frame in the worst possible position. That was quite easily solved by welding to the wall frame a robust iron reinforcement near the upper hinge, and adding down a screw that tightens against the backing and separated from the wall the lower hinge. Holy remedy this: by adjusting the position of this screw I could get the TV is stable in any position you leave it.
Step 7: El Soporte Del Decodificador (decoder Brake)
Primeramente intenté colgar el deco de DirecTV en forma vertical, con la idea de agregarle un espejito para que el sensor IR pueda "ver" el CR. Pero me quedó muy incómodo para hacer las conexiones, y bastante antiestético. Así que finalmente opté por hacer un marco de varilla de 1"/2 por 1"/8, soldado a un soporte hecho en chapa en L que va atornillado al TV en el lugar previsto para fijar la base para mesa. Al marco que sostiene el decodificador le soldé una varilla abajo que lo mantiene horizontal.
First I tried hanging DirecTV deco vertically, with the idea of adding a mirror for the IR sensor can "see" the RC. But it was very uncomfortable to make connections, and quite unsightly. So finally I decided to make a frame in rod 1"/2 x 1"/8 welded to a backing brake made in L sheet which is screwed to the TV at the holes for the table stand. At the frame that holds the decoder I welded a rod that holds it horizontal by below.
First I tried hanging DirecTV deco vertically, with the idea of adding a mirror for the IR sensor can "see" the RC. But it was very uncomfortable to make connections, and quite unsightly. So finally I decided to make a frame in rod 1"/2 x 1"/8 welded to a backing brake made in L sheet which is screwed to the TV at the holes for the table stand. At the frame that holds the decoder I welded a rod that holds it horizontal by below.
Step 8: El Cableado (cabling)
Estoy muy satisfecho de cómo quedó, aunque debido a que los cables de conexión sobresalen del decodificador hacia atrás una pulgada más de lo que sería óptimo, el TV no se pliega totalmente sobre la pared. Pero eso es totalmente secundario, primero porque apenas si se nota, y segundo porque tampoco obstruye el paso en absoluto. Tuve que reacomodar los cables, incluso instalar una extensión con dos tomacorrientes arriba del techo del bañito, para que los cables bajen por la zona de las bisagras y de esa manera no se vean sometidos a tantas flexiones. No quedaron muy bien, tendré que volver a dedicarles unas horas si algún día me vuelven las ganas furiosas de trabajar. Mientras tanto, funciona todo según lo esperado.
I am very pleased with how it turned out, but because the cables protrude from the decoder back an inch more than what would be optimal, the TV does not fold completely over the wall. But that is entirely secondary, first because hardly be noticed, and second because neither obstructs the passage at all. I had to rearrange the cables, even install an extension with two outlets above the ceiling of the small bathroom, so that the cables down through the hinge area and thus are not subject to as many pushups. They were not very good, I will have to dedicate a few hours if I ever become the raging desire to work. Meanwhile, everything works as expected.
I am very pleased with how it turned out, but because the cables protrude from the decoder back an inch more than what would be optimal, the TV does not fold completely over the wall. But that is entirely secondary, first because hardly be noticed, and second because neither obstructs the passage at all. I had to rearrange the cables, even install an extension with two outlets above the ceiling of the small bathroom, so that the cables down through the hinge area and thus are not subject to as many pushups. They were not very good, I will have to dedicate a few hours if I ever become the raging desire to work. Meanwhile, everything works as expected.
Step 9: Consideraciones Generales (some Considerations)
Cuando se acomete un trabajito de estos, hay que tener en cuenta que si uno no dispone de la maquinaria apropiada, es casi imposible lograr la precisión que trae de fábrica el objeto más ordinario. Concretamente, los agujeros nunca quedarán exactamente en el lugar donde deberían estar. Eso se soluciona en la casi totalidad de los casos haciéndolos simplemente un poquito más grandes, y extremando el cuidado al medir, al marcar y al agujerear. Llegado el caso, puede ser conveniente complementar los tornillos con arandelas que cubran totalmente el agujero aunque esté descentrado.
Otra cosa a destacar es: nunca hay que menospreciar la "tecnología obsoleta". En mi caso, las chavetas no son lo más adecuado estéticamente, pero son extremadamente fáciles de hacer y de colocar, y solucionan a la perfección el problema de evitar que una pieza se salga de su lugar. Antes de doblar el alambre conviene aplastarlo un poco, y al darle la forma definitiva a la chaveta asegurarse de que una pata quede más larga que la otra. Al instalarla, doblar SOLAMENTE la pata larga. He visto muchas chavetas mal puestas, donde doblaron ambas patas. Si se doblan juntas, es muy probable que la chaveta se salga; si se abren en sentidos opuestos, puede resultar difícil extraerlas, especialmente si están en un lugar con poca o ninguna visibilidad.
Finalmente, hay que pensar que NADA ES PARA SIEMPRE, y hacer las cosas de manera que sean fáciles no solo de armar sino también de desarmar. En ocasiones es mucho más rápido hacer una soldadura que agujerear, roscar, buscar el tornillo y la tuerca apropiada, etc. Pero una soldadura es mucho más difícil de deshacer que sacar un tornillo. La diferencia puede significar horas de trabajo adicional. En mi caso esa decisión se presentó al instalar las bisagras: era mucho más fácil, más barato y sumamente seguro hacerlas indesarmables, es decir remachando los pernos de manera que no pudieran salirse nunca de su lugar. Pero entonces la instalación y desinstalación del TV sería una pequeña odisea, casi imposible de hacerla sin ayuda: alguien tendría que sostener el TV mientras otra persona colocaba el primer tornillo, ya sea en la pared o en la parte de atrás del TV. Con las bisagras desarmables, ese problema desapareció. Solo la primera vez le pedí ayuda a mi mujer, pero cuando vi que no era tan difícil, las veces siguientes pude hacerlo yo solo.
When undertaking such a job as this, you must keep in mind that if you don't have the proper equipment, it is almost impossible to achieve precision thar factory brings in the most ordinary object. Specifically, the holes will never be exactly in the place where they should be. That is fixed in almost all cases simply making them a little bigger, and taking extreme care when measuring, scoring and boring. Where appropriate, consider supplementing the screws with washers that completely cover the hole if it is offset.
Another thing to note is: never underestimate the "old technology". In my case, the cotters are not as aesthetically appropriate, but they are extremely easy to make and use, and solve the problem perfectly preventing a piece is out of place. Before bending the wire you should flatten it a bit, and to giving its final shape ensure that a leg is longer than the other. When installed, only bend the long leg. I've seen a lot of misplaced cotters, where both legs were bent. When folded together, it is very likely that the cotter get out; if they are open in opposite directions, can be difficult to remove the cotter, especially if at a place with little or no visibility.
Finally, think that NOTHING IS FOREVER, and do things in ways that are not only easy to assemble but also to disassemble. Sometimes it is much faster to make a weld that boring, threading, seek appropriate screw and nut, etc.. But a weld is more difficult to remove than a screw. The difference can mean hours of extra work. In my case the decision was presented when installing hinges: it was much easier, cheaper and highly secure them undisassemblable, ie riveting bolts so they could not ever get away of place. But then the installation and removal of the TV would be a small odyssey, almost impossible to do it without help: someone would have to hold the TV while someone else put the first screw, either on the wall or on the back of the TV. With disassemblable (collapsible?) hinges, that problem disappeared. Only the first time I asked my wife to help, but when I saw that was not so hard, the next times I could do it myself.
Otra cosa a destacar es: nunca hay que menospreciar la "tecnología obsoleta". En mi caso, las chavetas no son lo más adecuado estéticamente, pero son extremadamente fáciles de hacer y de colocar, y solucionan a la perfección el problema de evitar que una pieza se salga de su lugar. Antes de doblar el alambre conviene aplastarlo un poco, y al darle la forma definitiva a la chaveta asegurarse de que una pata quede más larga que la otra. Al instalarla, doblar SOLAMENTE la pata larga. He visto muchas chavetas mal puestas, donde doblaron ambas patas. Si se doblan juntas, es muy probable que la chaveta se salga; si se abren en sentidos opuestos, puede resultar difícil extraerlas, especialmente si están en un lugar con poca o ninguna visibilidad.
Finalmente, hay que pensar que NADA ES PARA SIEMPRE, y hacer las cosas de manera que sean fáciles no solo de armar sino también de desarmar. En ocasiones es mucho más rápido hacer una soldadura que agujerear, roscar, buscar el tornillo y la tuerca apropiada, etc. Pero una soldadura es mucho más difícil de deshacer que sacar un tornillo. La diferencia puede significar horas de trabajo adicional. En mi caso esa decisión se presentó al instalar las bisagras: era mucho más fácil, más barato y sumamente seguro hacerlas indesarmables, es decir remachando los pernos de manera que no pudieran salirse nunca de su lugar. Pero entonces la instalación y desinstalación del TV sería una pequeña odisea, casi imposible de hacerla sin ayuda: alguien tendría que sostener el TV mientras otra persona colocaba el primer tornillo, ya sea en la pared o en la parte de atrás del TV. Con las bisagras desarmables, ese problema desapareció. Solo la primera vez le pedí ayuda a mi mujer, pero cuando vi que no era tan difícil, las veces siguientes pude hacerlo yo solo.
When undertaking such a job as this, you must keep in mind that if you don't have the proper equipment, it is almost impossible to achieve precision thar factory brings in the most ordinary object. Specifically, the holes will never be exactly in the place where they should be. That is fixed in almost all cases simply making them a little bigger, and taking extreme care when measuring, scoring and boring. Where appropriate, consider supplementing the screws with washers that completely cover the hole if it is offset.
Another thing to note is: never underestimate the "old technology". In my case, the cotters are not as aesthetically appropriate, but they are extremely easy to make and use, and solve the problem perfectly preventing a piece is out of place. Before bending the wire you should flatten it a bit, and to giving its final shape ensure that a leg is longer than the other. When installed, only bend the long leg. I've seen a lot of misplaced cotters, where both legs were bent. When folded together, it is very likely that the cotter get out; if they are open in opposite directions, can be difficult to remove the cotter, especially if at a place with little or no visibility.
Finally, think that NOTHING IS FOREVER, and do things in ways that are not only easy to assemble but also to disassemble. Sometimes it is much faster to make a weld that boring, threading, seek appropriate screw and nut, etc.. But a weld is more difficult to remove than a screw. The difference can mean hours of extra work. In my case the decision was presented when installing hinges: it was much easier, cheaper and highly secure them undisassemblable, ie riveting bolts so they could not ever get away of place. But then the installation and removal of the TV would be a small odyssey, almost impossible to do it without help: someone would have to hold the TV while someone else put the first screw, either on the wall or on the back of the TV. With disassemblable (collapsible?) hinges, that problem disappeared. Only the first time I asked my wife to help, but when I saw that was not so hard, the next times I could do it myself.