Introduction: Sound Reactive Lamp - ITTT
Do you listen to alot of music and want to make something cool that uses music, then this is the perfect project for you.
It's pretty easy and doesn't require a lot of tools you won't find lying around the house.
This will react to the volume of the song and if done right the leds in the lamp will dance on the beat of the song. With this instructable I will guide you through the process to make your own sound reactive lamp. I'm making
Step 1: What Do You Need?
1x Arduino Uno
1x Sound Sensor
1x Breadboard (400 points)
12x Led Lights (I'd recommend getting some different colors I will be using 3 colors)
12x resistors 220 ohm
15x Jumperwires m/m (Make sure they are not to short around 20cm should be good and get some differint colors for the differint led colors)
3x Jumperwires m/f
1x Styrofoam cube 15x15 (This part can be replaced with whatever you want just make sure it's big enough to hold all your tech)
1x Lamp Cover (This part can also be whatever you want just make sure light shines trough it and the leds will fit inside the cover)
Paint (I choose black but you can go with whatever color you like. Pro tip: don't use spray paint it'll melt your styrofoam!)
Some zipties
Stanley knife (The longer the better)
Paint Brush
Glue (Make sure it'll react good with your styrofoam)
A lot of these parts can be swapped out for other stuff bit these will be the parts that I've worked with
Step 2: Setting Up Your Breadboard
So you've got all your parts now we can begin building our lamp. We start with filling our board with the 12 led lights we have. Spread the lights out so that there will be a line of 6 lights on both sides of the breadboard. Make sure the + leg of the Led (the long one) is in front. Make sure you think about which colors you want to use for different sound levels when placing the leds.
After placing all the led lights in a row it's time to start wirering. Place a wire one spot above the + leg and do this for every led light. I'd recommend using different colors of wires for the different colors. Then place a resistor on the spot below the - leg of each led. Make sure the other side of the resistors leg is connect to the - side of the breadboard
Place 2 more wires on each end of the - side of the breadboard. These are for the ground of the the leds and the sound sensor we will put in shortly. When done your breadboard should look something like the picture.
*Now the drawing might look a bit weird when first looking at it but that's because I decided to split op the sides to make it less of a mess in the drawing and there are no lights on the breadboard. Ofcourse you will only be using one board for both sides and will have to add the led lights.
Step 3: Wirering Your Arduino Board
Now it's time to connect the wires from your breadboard to your Arduino. If you color coded your wires it should be pretty easy. connect the led lights you want to shine when the sound is very low to ports: 13,2,3,4. The lights you want to shine when the sound is a bit louder to ports: 5,6,7,8. And the lights that will go on when the sound is maxed out to: 9,10,11,12. If you have the led lights in the order I have the order within the colors doesn't matter cause they will need to go on in the same time. If not you have to trace the wire to the port place you want the color to shine with. And finally connect one of the ground wires to the ground port on the left side and one of the wires to the ground port on the other side. Now all the leds are wired correctly and we can move on to the sound sensor.
The sound sensor has 3 pins which you will need a f/m jumper wire for. There are sensors with 4 pins just add another wire if you're using one of those. Connecect the 5v pin of the sound sensor to the 5v pin on the arduino board. The ground pin to the ground port (on the side of the 5v port) and connect the out port to the A0 port. And that's it for the wirering.
Step 4: Time for Some Code
Now it's time for some coding. Use the IDE software for this. now the code for this lamp is pretty easy but might will need some tweaking depending on the type of sensor you use. My sound sensor was very sensitivy and made it so that he could only get around 3 different sound values. The highest being 1023. Tweak the code to your own sound sensor. Tip for finding your sensors sound values is to go the IDE software and in the top bar find the option serial monitor. Have this window open while playing music next to the sound sensor and you should find your values.
int DA =A0;
int sensorVal=0;
void setup() {
void loop() {
sensorVal= analogRead(DA);
if(sensorVal >= 40) {
digitalWrite(13,HIGH); }
digitalWrite(13,LOW); }
digitalWrite(2,HIGH); }
digitalWrite(2,LOW); }
digitalWrite(3,LOW); }
digitalWrite(4,LOW); }
else{ digitalWrite(5,LOW); }
digitalWrite(6,HIGH); }
digitalWrite(6,LOW); }
digitalWrite(7,LOW); }
if(sensorVal>=510) {
digitalWrite(8,HIGH); }
digitalWrite(8,LOW); }
if(sensorVal>=1023) {
digitalWrite(9,HIGH); }
digitalWrite(9,LOW); }
if(sensorVal >= 1023) {
digitalWrite(10,HIGH); }
digitalWrite(10,LOW); }
if(sensorVal >= 1023) {
digitalWrite(11,HIGH); }
digitalWrite(11,LOW); }
if(sensorVal >= 1023) {
digitalWrite(12,HIGH); }
digitalWrite(12,LOW); }
Upload the code and the lights should react to all incoming sound that comes trough the sensor. If not are if the lights are reacting to little or to much adjust the sensivity screw on your sound sensor.
Step 5: Making the Lamp
If you're satisfied with the effects of the led lights it's time to build the lamp itself. Now there are many ways to do this but I decided to use a bowl of a outside lamp and a styrofoam block as my main parts.
When starting make sure the wires of the breadboard are tightly next to the breadboard and face downwards. I'd suggest using zipties for this so the wires the arduino and the sound sensor are one neat package.
Start with cutting a in the styrofoam big enough for your lamp cover to fit and your breadboard. Tip for cutting styrofoam if you have a blowtorch heat up the blade this will make the cutting a lot easier.Do this on both sides of the cube so that you will have a hole that goes trough the cube. Don't worry we will fix the otherside at the end. The middle part of the cube can be a bit wider then the top side because this is where we will place the arduino. Cut 2 holes in the back of your lamp (you can decide which side that is) and make sure the sound sensor and the power cable will fit trough it. Put all the tech into the stand and test if it all fits. If it does take out the tech again and you can start painting the stand.
Now like a said before do not use spray paint it will melt your styrofoam. I had to learn this the hard way... This does kind of make a cool effect as you can see in the pictures but I wouldn't recommend it. After painting the styrofoam wait until you are sure it's dry and then place all the tech in again. Make sure the arduino is placed so the sound sensor and power cabble can go out of the back. If everything fits put on the light cover and glue it together with styrofoam.
Now for the final part covering up the bottem hole. Find a piece of cardboard and cut the shape of the bottem out of it. Paint it in the color of the stand and after it's dry glue it to the bottem of the lamp and the hole is gone.You can add some stands like I have but only if you want to. Now you should have a perfectly working sound reactive lamp that is gonna make your music listening expierence a lot better.