Introduction: Sound Reactive Strip Led
Hello,in this instructables I will show you how to control a led strip with music!. I put this led strip in my room,near my Playstation 4 and my speakers, so I created also an amazing illuminated gaming station. This led strip reacte when there is music,or simply a sound. In fact I use it also when I play videogames:while I'm shooting in a action videogames, the leds reacte and the result is amazing. In the final step there is a link that show the final result. Check the next steps!
Step 1: What You Will Need:
- LED strip
-Arduino uno
- sound module
- 9v battery/powerbank
- some wires
-adaptor to power the strip
Step 2: Wiring
Sorry for the quality of the image ,but I had many problems with the fritzing sketch. There is a file attached in this step so you can download the sketch for a better quality of the scheme. In the sketch I idn't find a sound sensor so I took a casual sensor that rappresent the module.
Sound sensor:
The first pin is the signal: S>digital pin 7
The second pin is the voltage: V> 5v pin
The third is the ground: G> gnd pin
Step 3: The Code
#define LEDstrip 9
void setup()
{ pinMode(7,INPUT);
pinMode(LEDstrip, OUTPUT);
.void loop()
{ boolean soundstate = digitalRead(7);
if (soundstate == 1) {
analogWrite(LEDstrip, 255);
analogWrite(LEDstrip,0); }
Step 4: Turn Up the Speakers!!!
The project is finish!!! In only 4 steps I show you how to make a " disco" in your room with "disco light". Now you have almost finish....the only thing you need to do is...TURN UP THE SPEAKERS AND DANCE!
I hope you liked this project,comment and see you next time!
Here there is the link for the final result: