Introduction: Sparkfun CAN Bus Shield Tutorial
Receive and transmit messages using Sparkfun CAN Bus Shield
What is CAN?
The CAN bus was developed by BOSCH as a multi-master, message broadcast system that specifies a
maximum signaling rate of 1 megabit per second (bps). Unlike a traditional network such as USB or Ethernet, CAN does not send large blocks of data point-to-point from node A to node B under the supervision of a central bus master. In a CAN network, many short messages like temperature or RPM are broadcast to the entire network, which provides for data consistency in every node of the system.
Step 1: Materials Needed
2 - Sparkfun CAN Bus Shield
2 - Arduino UNO
2 - 120 ohm resistors
1 - Breadboard
Jumper Wires
CAN Bus Shield Library Download:
Advanced (CAN Bus):
DB9 (Female)
UTP Cable
RJ45 2-Way Splitter
RJ45 Straight Connector
RJ45 Crimper
Soldering Iron
Step 2: Building CAN Bus on Breadboard
1. Mount CAN Bus Shield to one Arduino each
2. Wire CAN_H and CAN_L pins of the shield to the breadboard
3. Connect the 120-ohm terminating resistors across each end of the CAN_H and CAN_L lines
Step 3: Arduino Programming
1. Download and install the CAN Bus Shield Library from the link given above
Configure 1st Arduino to Read CAN messages
2. Open Arduino IDE
3. Go to File --> Examples --> SparkFun CAN-Bus --> CAN_Read_Demo
4. Select the appropriate Port of the First Arduino and Upload
Configure 2nd Arduino to Send CAN messages
5. Open a new Arduino IDE
6. Go to File --> Examples --> SparkFun CAN-Bus --> CAN_Write_Demo
7. Select the appropriate Port of the Second Arduino and Upload
Step 4: Testing
/*Add pictures of working example*/
After uploading the program to the two Arduinos...
1. Open the Serial Monitors of the First and Second Arduino
2. Set the Baud Rate to 9600
3. Check if Data is received by the First Arduino
If no data is received:
1. Check if the appropriate Port and Baud Rate is selected for each Arduino
2. Check the connections of the CAN_H and CAN_L lines
3. Check the connections of the terminating resistors
Step 5: Explore
Create custom CAN messages
Edit the CAN_Write_Demo Program to...
- change the message ID (
- change RTR bit (message.header.rtr)
- set the data length (message.header.length)
- input your own data ([x])
Edit the CAN_Read_Demo to customize how you print your data
- Print the message ID (
- Print the message length (message.header.length)
- Print the message Data ([x])
Step 6: (Additional) Create CAN Bus Using UTP
The CAN Bus used in this diagram is a 8-pin UTP cable.
There are two types of connectors in this diagram namely the (DB9 - to - RJ45) and (RJ45 - to - RJ45)
DB9 - to - RJ45
DB9 (pins 1- 8) = wO, O, wG, Bl, wBl, G, wBr, Br
RJ45 (pins 1-8) = wO, O, wG, Bl, wBl, G, wBr, Br
RJ45 - to - RJ45 (Straight Through)
RJ45 (pins 1-8) = wO, O, wG, Bl, wBl, G, wBr, Br
RJ45 (pins 1-8) = wO, O, wG, Bl, wBl, G, wBr, Br
RJ45 - to - Terminator
RJ45 (pins 1-8) = wO, O, wG, Bl, wBl, G, wBr, Br
Terminator Resistor (wG, wBl)
The nodes can be connected to the CAN Bus according to your preference and the number of nodes used
For a two-node connection, an RJ45 Straight connector is used between the (DB9 - to - RJ45) Cables
For a 3-node connection, a 2-Way splitter coupled is coupled with a straight connector to make a "T" connection between all (DB9 - to - RJ45) Cables
For the 2+ node connection (2 or more nodes), a 2-Way splitter is coupled with a straight connector to make a "T" connection. An (RJ45 - to - RJ45) Cable is used to connect two "T" nodes and a (DB9 - to - RJ45) Cable is used to connect the "T" node to the CAN Bus Shield. A RJ45 - to - Terminator was used at each "T" end of the CAN Bus