Introduction: Spider-Man Web Sanitizer

About: Computing Scientist. Creator. Designer. Imaginator.

Currently we are all experiencing a global pandemic.

COVID-19 is the infectious disease caused by the most recently discovered coronavirus and is now a pandemic affecting many countries globally. With over 4 million confirmed cases and over 280k deaths in the world it is a very worrisome topic.

I wanted to create a fun way for someone to dispense hand sanitizer and keep safe. Hopefully this will inspire you to create other fun and unique ways to do things.

Step 1: Materials and Tools

Here is a list of materials and tools you'll need for this project.


  • PLA filament (colour choice is up to you)
  • M3 Nut
  • M3 x 12 Screw
  • String
  • Velcro (20mm wide)
  • Empty Lighter
  • 4 neodymium magnets (8mm diameter x 3mm thick)
  • An old pen
  • Syringe


  • 3D Printer
  • M3 Hex Key
  • Fusion 360 (or other CAD software)
  • Scissors
  • Lighter
  • Super Glue
  • Sharpie Marker

Step 2: Creating the Sanitizer Dispenser Pt. 1

To create a dispenser for the sanitizer I took an empty lighter and disassembled it.

Note: I left the top black plastic part attached to the lighter instead of removing it. It's a bit difficult too removed.

To removed the jet/valve, use the value adjuster switch like a tiny wretch to unscrew the jet/valve from the lighter body.

Step 3: Creating the Sanitizer Dispenser Pt. 2

You will only need the pieces you see in the image.

The "wrench" will be used to screw back in the jet/valve piece later.

Step 4: Creating the Sanitizer Dispenser Pt. 3

Next, take apart the pen you have. We only need the refill.

Step 5: Creating the Sanitizer Dispenser Pt. 4

With the refill cut a 40mm length of it. Make sure all the ink is removed and there is nothing obstructing inside of it.

Step 6: Creating the Sanitizer Dispenser Pt. 5

Take your usable lighter for this project and carefully melt one tip of your cut tube so it bulges slightly.

Step 7: Creating the Sanitizer Dispenser Pt. 6

Now, insert the tube into the body of the lighter. Screw the jet/valve back in as well as the lever.

Step 8: Creating the Sanitizer Dispenser Pt. 7

Take another short length (10mm) of the refill tube and insert it into the tip of the syringe. This will make it easier to insert the liquid and pressurize at the same time.

Step 9: 3D Modelling Pt. 1

The first thing I did was model the lighter in Fusion 360. Getting the important details such as the body size, where the lever is / how far it protrudes, and where the nozzle is located.

My lighter had a height of 73.80 mm, width of 24.00 mm, and thickness of 12.00 mm

Step 10: 3D Modelling Pt. 2

Next, I create a body that would fit around the lighter dimensions keeping note of the nozzle opening and the location of the lever. I added two holes to fit the 8mm diameter x 3mm thick neodymium magnets, which will be used to secure the top cover.

Depending on how good your printers runs, you may need to experiment with how much tolerance you give your measurements. From experience, it ranges around 0.1 to 0.2mm of tolerance usually work well.

Step 11: 3D Modelling Pt. 3

In the body I modelled a spot for the M3x12 screw and a M3 nut which is used to secure the lever. When the lever is pulled it pushes against the lever of the lighter causing the nozzle to open and dispense.

You don't want to the lever in the body to rotate too far otherwise it will get stuck in an open position. You want to make it so it rotates just enough that it can be pushed back by for the force of the lighter on its own.

Step 12: 3D Modelling Pt. 4

Next, I modelled the top cover. There is an opening to monitor how much liquid is left to dispense.

Looking from the underside, there are two more spots for neodymium magnets and three rectangular extrusions that fit into the body, so the top cover does not slide around.

Step 13: 3D Modelling Pt. 5

The next two pieces were a bottom plate to secure the Velcro straps and a ring to fit around your finger to pull the lever.

Step 14: 3D Modelling Pt. 6

The last thing was to add a superhero touch. You can create your own logo or symbol and add your own personal touch.

Step 15: Printing the Parts

All parts were printed using regular PLA material.

Printer settings:

  • 0.2 layer height
  • 3 perimeters
  • 20% infill

Files for each part are available here:

Step 16: Assembling the Parts Pt. 1

To start I glued the magnets into each hole in the base and top cover.

Mark the top of each magnet with a sharpie so you are able to easily see the orientation of the polarities to make sure you install them correctly. You want the magnets in the base to attract the magnets in the top cover.

Step 17: Assembling the Parts Pt. 2

Take some string and cut it longer than you need. Thread one end into the lever and tie a knot. Thread the other end of the string into the ring and determine how long you want the string to be.

The length once assembled should be about distance from the bottom of your middle finger to the bottom of your palm near the wrist. Dependant on the users hand size.

Add a dab of super glue on the knots to make sure they are secure.

Step 18: Assembling the Parts Pt. 3

Next take the Velcro and cut the length that will fit your wrist and forearm. Once cut you can glue the Velcro to the backside of the base as show. There are some lines in the model to help guide you on where to the place the Velcro.

Step 19: Assembling the Parts Pt. 4

Take the backplate and glue it to the backside of the base. Put Glue on the exposed Velcro sections as well to help secure them to the backplate. This will make sure the whole assembly does not move around when mounted to your wrist.

Step 20: Assembling the Parts Pt. 5

Take the M3 Nut and drop it in the channel of the base, then screw the lever in.

Step 21: Assembling the Parts Pt. 6

Last, take your emblem and glue it to the top cover. You can now attach the top cover and everything should be full assembled.

Step 22: Filling the Dispenser

Now you should have everything you need to fill your dispenser. You can use hand sanitizer that foams, or you can create a mixture of soap and water for a similar effect.

Take the liquid into the syringe and hold the lever on the lighter as you inject the liquid into the nozzle.

Step 23: Loading the Dispenser In

To load the dispenser, make sure the lever is in a close position. The dispenser should just pop into place.

Place the top cover back on and you’re all ready to go.

Step 24: Testing

Here's a quick clip of it in action.

Step 25: Go Save the World!

Maybe if a child is worried about getting sick or their family members getting sick, given them a little confidence boost.

Find scenarios to use it in. Maybe if you’re going outside tell your child “wear this and protect me” and ask for some sanitizer when you need it. Make them the “hero of the house” in a fun way. Or go use it yourself and sanitize some door handles.

Hope this was interesting and fun to see the process.


Thanks for reading. Stay safe.