Introduction: Spinning Spray Paint Art

This is beautiful art that anybody can produce in an afternoon.  I originally came up with the idea for my girlfriend's birthday to build some canvasses that we could paint together.  So I rigged them up to an old washing machine motor and we went to town.  Needless to say, we have a great memory and made some prized possessions in the process.  Obviously it's art, so go nuts with whatever colors and additional techniques you can dream up.  I'll just get you started with some tips and tricks, as well as the Krylon colors we used.   


- Primed artist canvasses

- Spray paint

- Electric motor ( Not necessary, you could also rig lazy susan hardware or anything to provide a good spin )

- Several small containers, I used some tuna cans

- Rubber gloves ( You will especially want these when condensing the paint)

- Syringes or eye droppers ( I'm sure you could substitute a ziplock with a pin prick in the corner)

- Well ventilated area or outdoor work table / Respirator