Introduction: Spirograph(Make It Move)

In this instructable, we will learn how to make gears, which we will use to create our own Spirograph!

If you don't know what a spirograph is, here is a link all about it:

All about Spirographs!

Hope you have fun!

Step 1: How to Create a Gear?

To start, you will need a gear. The gears will be used for the base which we will make in the next step.

Here is a youtube video on how to make a gear in tinkercad:


Step 2: Adding Holes to Your Gears

Now that you created your gear, it's time to add holes to it. We need holes to draw using the spirograph.

To create holes, use the hole cylinder shape and make the length and width dimensions 1.00 mm. This will make it small enough that the pen/pencil can fit. Next, place the cylinders in any order of your choice, as shown in the above picture. Then select the gear with the cylinders and group them with the group button. This will combine all of the shapes you picked.

Step 3: How to Create the Base of Your Spirograph

Now that you created a gear with holes, you will need a base to use the gears.

To start, you will need to create a new gear, without holes. Next, make a rectangle using the box shape. The height will be 6 mm. Next, take the gear that you created and put it on the center of the rectangle. Make the gear big enough that it still fits in the rectangle. Now, make the gear a hole using the hole option. Finally group the rectangle with the hole-gear and you should get a rectangle with a hole shaped as a gear

Step 4: Congratulations!

Congratulations! You have created your own Spirograph!

You can 3D Print your spirograph, place a paper under the rectangle, pick a gear of your choice, and draw, draw, draw!

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