Introduction: Homemade Spring-Powered Airsoft Gun

THis is a spring powered pen gun. It can shoot bbs or just the toilet paper bullets you will see later in the instructable. It can shoot up to 50 feet and pretty hard.

Step 1: Materials

You need a click pen, dental floss, a square section of toliet paper, an airsoft bb, 3 inches of masking tape, plyers (optional) and a red or yellow knex piece (rod)

Step 2: Take Apart the Pen

take apart the whole pen. You can toss the grey push part and the tip of the pen and the ink cartrige.

Step 3: The Inner Workings

Stretch out the spring. Take a piece of dental floss about 6 inches long and tie one end on the spring like shown. THen tape the other end to one side of the pen like shown.

Step 4: The Bullet

first, split the toilet paper in half like shown. Take one piece and fold it like how you see in the video. When you put it in the pen, make sure it is on the other side of the pen where the tape is.


Step 5: Loading

To load, put in the bullet  and compress it with a knex piece so it is airtight. Then take the knex piece out and put in the bb (optional). Then put the spring in. Finally put the knex piece in.

Step 6: Shooting

Aim at something the push in the knex piece. it will fire. (mabey) Have fun!   Please rate and comment.