Introduction: Stackable Hexagon Infinity Mirrors

So I got an Arduino and this is the first project I made. I got my inspiration while I was looking on this site and tried to make a simple project for myself. Coding isn’t my strong part so I had to keep it simple and wanted to make it more complex with the analog part.

What I used:

-Arduino Uno

-NeoPixel LEDstrip 60LEDS

-Wires and solder stuff

-MDF 4mm

-Acryl 3mm

-Metal wire 0,8mm

-Metal wire 1,6mm

-Mirror foil

-Wood glue and multi glue

Step 1: Step 1: Preparing the LEDstrips

Connect the LEDstrip to the right side! I connected it to the wrong side first, then it won’t work ofcourse. Write or copy code to make the LEDs light up, make sure you import the right library, you can use both the Adafruit or FastLed library. Personally I found the FastLed library easier to use. Upload the program to your Arduino and connect the LEDstrip, I just used the 5v pin on my Arduino for power. If you are using a long strip, I recommend using a external power supply to power the strip. I put in my file if you want to check out the code, it is really simple.

Step 2: Step 2 Creating the Boxes

So I decided to make 6 hexagons, just in case some of them would be ruined. I started by calculating how long every side should be and how many LEDs would be on one of the six sides. The wiring of these boxes are around the box itself so i made sure to create a notch for that. After that I created a template in Illustrator, because I decided to lasercut it. I ended up with 12 sides for one hexagon, because the acryl would fit in better. I shaved all the sides down, this way they would glue together better. I used a template of a hexagon to use as reference while glueing.

Step 3: Step 3: Wiring

It is really important to bend the wires as perfect as you could. I used the 0,8mm wire for the notch and the 1,6mm for the protrude part. I glued all wires in place with the multi glue, make sure not to use to much, otherwise you end up cleaning all the glue with a knife like I did. At this point I put in the LEDstrip by making a hole in the top and pulling the wires through. Solder the 0,8mm and 1,6mm wires and the wires from your LEDstrip and test your connection.

Tip: I wanted to make the boxes stackable from all sides, this wouldn't work for me. You can also use something like magnetic buttons or copper tape to connect them it you want to stack them only vertically.

Step 4: Step 4: Acryl Mirrors

I cut out the hexagons with a laser cutter, there are 12 I started trying to get the foil on clean. Anything I tried backfired and I couldn't get it on clean. This is where I made the decision to stick them on with some glue on the sides and let it dry with a heavy book on top. This gave a cool steampunky vibe to the mirror which I really liked. If you want it to go on clean you could try out other kinds of foil! When all the mirrors are done you are ready to assemble.

Step 5: Step 5: Making a Base and Cleaning Up

For the base you could use some MDF. I made the complex version that didn't work, after that I made a really simple base to put them up. I found it really hard to make the connections, but it could work if you work super clean. I had to cut away some glue and MDF to make them connect.