Introduction: Stamping Text With Acrylic Paint
I got myself some very cheap pouches in bright orange. I planned to use them as a first aid kit (they were big enough, and slightly see through, making it easier to identify its contents).
Only problem was that it didn't have the letters "First Aid" over the pouches in white text.
That's OK, we can fix that in 15 minutes or less!
Step 1: Get Your Materials Ready
Here's a list of what you'll need:
1. Some cheap pouches, these are some form of plastic / PVC mesh. Bright colours are no problem, makes them easier to spot. Would be good if they were slightly see through. This is so you can identify the contents of the pouches.
2. A stencil of what you'd like to print / stamp using acrylic paint. Mine say "First Aid" in capital letters. For ease of cutting the stencil out, I picked a font with an outline. Just Google "Outline Fonts", download, install, print, and you're done.
3. Acrylic paint! I choose to go with white, as I wanted a "first aid" pack feel. Match the colour with your pack colour, as long as its easy to read.
Not shown:
1. X-ACTO Knife / sharp blade to cut the stencil.
2. A small sponge to dab the paint on.
3. Some masking tape.
Step 2: Cut Your Stencil Out
Be safe!
Step 3: Position, and Tape
Cut and position your stencil.
Use masking tape to hold it down, and it will be easier to peel off when you're done.
Step 4: Paint!
Pro Tip: Spread the acrylic paint a little evenly over the sponge. This helps get an even layer of paint when you dab / press your sponge over the stencil.
Remember to pay attention to where the edges are of your stencil, and don't smudge!
Step 5: Admire Your Work and Let Dry!
Leave to dry at least for 24 hours.
The acrylic paint I purchased said it flexes well with the material its painted on.
Now my first aid pouch is all ready to be filled with...well first aid stuff!