Introduction: Staple Crossbow
This instructable pretty much shows how to shoot staples with just a rubberband. They are very lethal, dont underestimate them.Have fun with it!
Step 1: Supplies for Our Weapon
Just one rubber band, the kind thats smaller and tighter.And a stack of staples.
Step 2: Staple Break
You want to just tear off one or two staples at a time when you are just beginning,but later you will be able to do much more.
Step 3: Staple Shape
You want to bend(this shouldnt be very hard) the staple into a shape of a checkmark.
Step 4: The Rubberband
Now you need to now how to position the rubberband so you can shoot properly. You want to stretch the rubberband so that the front(in between your fingers) is somewhat taut, if not, you have a hance of shooting yourself.
Step 5: Gripping the Band
After you stretch the rubberband taut, you have to clench it against your palm so that the rubberband doesnt move out of place.Just pretty much make a fist on top of the rubberband.
Step 6: Aiming and Firing
After you have the rubberband held, you must hook the staple onto the rubberband with the hook facing away from you. When you have this done, all you have to do is just pinch the staple with the rubberband and pull back and let go! You should have a lot of fun, but these sure do sting alot, you'll be surprised. If you are having trouble understanding how to shoot it, Watch my video to check it in action.