Introduction: Star Wars Longboard

About: Since the dawn of Lego I've been into making stuff... I'm currently a technology teacher at a secondary school tasked with inspiring the next generation of designers.

Step 1: Cut Your Blanks

I used 4mm ply and cut 4 blanks to approx 255x1000mm.

Step 2: Get Laminating

I used regular PVA glue and sandwiched my 4mm ply layers together.

Step 3: Get Clamping

I wanted to try and create a drop board to give me a lower centre of gravity. I didn't have a fancy bag press but do have a lot clamps and small bits of wood to use as wedges to bend the board into my desired shape. I hear soaking the ply in water would make it more flexible for next time??

Step 4: Allow to Dry for 24hr

Step 5: The Bent Blank

After 24hrs in the clamps the board is set in tge desired shape.

Step 6: Design Your Template

I created my template in tech soft 2D design tool and laser cut it out of card. I then cut the deck out on the band saw.

Step 7: Get Sanding

Step 8: Laser Engraving

I spent a few hours trawling google for Star Wars graphics and designed my composition on Photoshop, saved as a JPEG and set my laser cutter to work.
Mark and drill the holes. Attach trucks and wheels.
The deck still needs grip taping but that'll have to wait until pay day.

Step 9: Grip Tape

Full Spectrum Laser Contest

Participated in the
Full Spectrum Laser Contest