Introduction: Star Wars Mandalorian Steel Art
This is a one of a kind piece of art that was made specially for a Star Wars art show. There are so many unique details that it could never be recreated exactly. I wanted it to look like it had been hanging in the desert for over 100 years, getting shot at and weathering. A lot went into making are the details:I did the design and then waterjet cut it from 3/16" thick mild steel. It was then sandblasted and a rusty patina was applied. A master blacksmith helped me with the "Bullet holes" and also permanently welded the chain on. It weights approximately 11 pounds and is 19" wide x 26" tall. The chain adds another 11" in height.
Step 1: Waterjet Cut Steel
waterjetcut 3/16" steel
Step 2: Bullet Holes
use a dimple die to create bullet holes
Step 3: Wild West Hanging Chain
Weld steel chain on
Step 4: Patina
Natural rust patina by outdoor aging and watering