Introduction: Starting a Country Flower Bed
My daughter and I like to add a new flowerbed/a new section in our yard every year. This year we decided to place a flower bed in a our side yard.
It Took a few hours to set up the flower bed, but the beauty will last all year. We had all the materials on hand, and had saved flower seeds from the year before.
It Took a few hours to set up the flower bed, but the beauty will last all year. We had all the materials on hand, and had saved flower seeds from the year before.
Black landscape fabric or black plastic
Rocks/or wood for edges
Tire **optional
Yard junk to add a special touch **optional
Rocks/or wood for edges
Tire **optional
Yard junk to add a special touch **optional
Step 1: Layout the Area
1. Pick out the spot for the new flower/herb bed.
2. Lay down landscape fabric.
3. Place rocks in the formation you want....
4. I added a tire to have a slop in the flower bed. I will cover it with dirt to have height.
5. Cut the extra black fabric and cover with another load of rocks.
2. Lay down landscape fabric.
3. Place rocks in the formation you want....
4. I added a tire to have a slop in the flower bed. I will cover it with dirt to have height.
5. Cut the extra black fabric and cover with another load of rocks.
Step 2: Cover With Soil
1. After you get the shape you deser. Add soil, we used a tractor. This spot took 5 buckets full.
2. Add more rocks around the edges of the flower bed.
2. Add more rocks around the edges of the flower bed.
Step 3: Plants Flowers and Herbs
1. Since its spring, I divided the plants that were coming up. I planted chives, lilies and lambs ear in the new bed.
2. I will plant more herbs and perennials as the weather gets warmer.
3. Water and watch the section grow. It will take a few years to fill in and establish.
2. I will plant more herbs and perennials as the weather gets warmer.
3. Water and watch the section grow. It will take a few years to fill in and establish.
Step 4: More Plants
1. As they come up, I've been splitting bulbs and transplanting them to other locations.