Introduction: Stay Warm This Winter: CPU Hand Warmer
In this small project I will show you how I repurposed an old AMD CPU to create a small, light and easy to use electric hand warmer. With the help of a small portable power bank this gadget can warm you up for around 2 and a half hours and can easily reach temperatures up to 60 degrees celcius.
Step 1: Watch the Video!
The video gives you all the info you need to build this thing. But I will also give you a few advises during the next steps.
Step 2: Get Your Parts!
Here you can find all the parts I used during this build except the CPU. But you can find an old one very easily and cheap on Ebay (affiliate links).
1x Arduino Nano:
1x DS18B20 Thermal Probe:
1x 10k Resistor:
1x 5V Power Bank:
1x USB Cable:
1x Arduino Nano:
1x DS18B20 Thermal Probe:
1x 10k Resistor:
1x 5V Power Bank:
1x USB Cable:
1x Arduino Nano:
1x DS18B20 Thermal Probe:
1x 10k Resistor:
1x 5V Power Bank:
Step 3: Download the Code for the Thermometer!
Here you can find the sketch for the thermometer that I used during the video.
Don't forget to download the necessary libraries:
How to connect the DS18B20 to the Arduino Nano?:
RED --> 5V
WHITE --> D3 (digital Pin 3)
Don't forget to put a 10k pull up resistor between D3 and 5V.
Step 4: Success!
Now you know how to build a small CPU hand warmer. But don't try to use it to keep your beverages warm. That will not work!
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