Introduction: Steampunk Aural Enhancer.

About: I recycle trash into something wonderful.
Found in an antique shop, this was used to change the mood of people around you. Certain sounds when played by this device will make people break out on song and dance.
During WWI the allies used these devices to pacify their enemy.

Step 1: Download Vintage Recordings, and Get a Portable Speaker System.

The width of the speakers will determine where you need to drill the holes for your speaker horns.
I found this speaker system at a dollar store, the speakers are just under two inches apart.

I wanted to play sounds from the first era of recordings. I downloaded a bunch of recordings from the cylinder preservation project, Songs from the right era add to the effect I wanted.

Your software and audio player will vary, and you'll know how to download music to your player.

Step 2: Foamy Goodness.

I placed foam inside the wine box, to hold the iPod and speakers. When the lid is down, the silicone hugs the speakers. The sound does come out the horns, and the sound that leaks inside gives a warm tone to the "tinny" horns.

I recommend you all run out and start scavenging parts. I'd love to see what the rest of you come up with.