Introduction: Build Stephen Hawking's Computer Interface Within Just Rs.1000(15$) Using Arduino
It all started with the question "How does Stephen Hawking speak ?", after reading about his computer system it struck my mind that I should provide a cheaper version of the system without compromising too much of the features. This device is basically a USB mouse that can be connected to any computer/tablet and a paralyzed person can use aregular computer, even can talk using Text-To-Speech applications.
Step 1: What It Can Do and Future Possibilities
I've mainly focused on whole body paralyzed people who can't talk and have no means of communication, clearly this is for people with medical condition like Stephen Hawking but are not scientist, at a very low cost.The features are...
1.Uses only one motion to control everything of a computer (described on the next step)
2. paralyzed patients can use ordinary computer or tablet computers like a regular person
3.write and talk(using text to speech apps)
possible upgrades
1.Do the same things but with just eye blink
2.Use goggle to detect the eye blink and send the data wirelessly (no messy wires just a goggle)
3.More advanced version can be controlled with mind (brain waves)
Step 2: How It Works
Here the arduino leonardo works like a computer mouse. Leonardo will wait for 5 sec before hijacking the cursor, then it'll place the cursor on the lower left corner, the first click will cause the cursor to move upwards, the second click will cause it to move right, the 3rd click(or long press and release) will click(or double click) at the point. This any point of the screen can be accessed. With a virtual keyboard you can even type and with a text-to-speech app people can even talk just like Stephen Hawking. I've build an android app using google TTS but as I don't have a developer account I'm sharing the app from my google drive, but if you feel insecure you can use any third party app.
Bengali :
Hindi :
English :
(note: before using this apps install google tts language packages , you can find them here settings > language & input > Text-To-Speech >Text-To-Speech engine )
Step 3: Materials
Things you gonna need are, I've bought them from amazon
1.Arduino leonardo/Arduino micro with usb cable (any board with atmega32u4)
3. led (optional)
4.10k ohm resistor (value is not strict ,use anything near)
5. prototyping board/breadboard (because I'm planing upgrades I've used breadboard)
6.some wires (jumper wire if you are using breadboard)
Step 4: Final Build
Nothing complex here, just build the circuit according to the picture and upload the arduino sketch, reconnect the arduino usb cable and it should start working(wait for 5sec).You will find enough article on uploading sketch on arduino. There shouldn't be any problem understanding the code but feel free to ask if any. If you want to add a led to see when the led is clicked connect the +ve lead of led to arduino pin 7 and -ve lead to GND .
Step 5: Conclusion
The main intention was to help people so I will be pleased if anyone builds this and helps someone, If any help is needed feel free to ask on comment section
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