Introduction: Stepper Motor Controlled Stepper Motor Without Microcontroller(V2)

In one of my previous Instructables, I showed you how to control a stepper motor using a stepper motor without a microcontroller. It was a quick and fun project but it came with two problems which will be getting solved in this Instructable. So, without further ado, let's get started!

Step 1: Watch the Video

Watch the video to know more about the project, know the problems being solved, and see it in action.

Step 2: Get the Required Stuff

For this project, you need to get:

  • A stepper motor to be driven(Bipolar or unipolar)
  • A stepper motor to use as a controller(Bipolar or unipolar. Here, unipolar is easier to wire up.)
  • 2 LM258P op-amp chips.
  • 4x 100k Ω resistors.
  • 4x 4.7k Ω resistors.
  • 4x 47k Ω resistors.
  • 1x 1k Ω resistor(4 more if a bipolar stepper motor will be used as a controller.)
  • An LED.
  • Connecting wires.
  • A PCB with dot-matrix(To build the circuit on)

Click on the pictures to know more.

Step 3: Build the Amplifier Circuit

Don't worry! It's not that complicated.

Step 4: Connect the Controller Stepper Motor to the Amplifier

If you are using a unipolar stepper motor, then you can connect the center tap wire of the motor to the common pin of the Amplifier circuit.

If you are using a bipolar stepper motor as a controller, then you would need to make a resistor-based circuit to create a virtual center tap wire to connect to the common pin of the amplifier circuit.

Then, connect the other 4 wires of the motor to the input pins of the amplifier circuit in any sequence.

Step 5: Connect the Stepper Motor Driver to the Amplifier Board

Connect the output pins of the amplifier circuitry to the input pins of the stepper motor driver. Here, a ULN2003-based unipolar stepper motor driver is used.

Step 6: Connect the Stepper Motor to Be Driven to the Driver

Step 7: Connect the Setup to Power

Connect the stepper motor driver and the amplifier circuit to a DC power source.

Step 8: Test the Setup

If the stepper motor does not move properly and keeps on stepping back and forth, double-check all the wiring connections and change the sequence of the 4 wires connecting the controller motor and the inputs of the amplifier.

Step 9: Share Tour Work

If you made the project, try sharing it with the community by clicking on 'I Made It!' below. You might inspire someone to make this project too!