Introduction: Stop Snoring for Less Than 3 Dollars

I have a snoring problem, or should I say my wife has a snoring problem because of me.

While I’m asleep it doesn’t bother me, but I Love my wife and I want her to be happy.

Also, after using this device I get a better nights rest and feel better in the morning.

When you are asleep your muscles relax letting your tongue and other structures partially block your airway. This makes the snoring noise but more seriously reduces the amount of oxygen getting to your body. The effects range from poor sleep to dangerous sleep apnea. If you are experiencing the more serious symptoms like morning dry mouth, headaches and are chronically tired you may have symptoms of sleep apnea and should see a doctor about that.

There is another instructable author here by the name of "snore" that describes how to use a premade mouthpiece. He has a link to device descriptions and prices that may interest you, however the solution I will be describing is a true DIY solution for the most common snoring problem.

I looked into those anti-snore devices I have been hearing about on radio ads but they are expensive. They range in price from $50 for the cheapest to several hundred dollars for the most expensive but they all do the same thing.

They work by pulling the jaw forward and opening the airway at the back of your throat.

I came up with an easy test to see if my idea would work for me. I laid on my back, which is the position that produces the worst snoring for me, and thrust my jaw forward . The snoring sound stopped so I knew that a mandibular device would work for me.

Now how do I make a DIY version?

All these devices looked like the mouth guards we used playing football in high school so I thought it would be worth a try to make one to see if it works before I shell out the cash for the commercial one.

I bought a two pack of mouth guards at our sporting goods store and the cost was less than three dollars.

Step 1: Cheap Custom Mouthpiece

these are the boil and fit custom mouthpieces used for sports

Step 2: Prep the Mouthpieces

cut off the "leash" part of the mouthpieces and trim the pieces to fit your mouth. The red one will be the top piece and the black will be the bottom for this example. you do not need for the bottom piece to be as big as the top piece

Step 3: Custom Fit

follow the directions on the package to mold the mouthpieces to your mouth both top and bottom.

Step 4: Glueing the Halves Together

put both pieces in your mouth and test by using the method described earlier. When the lower jaw is in a position to stop the snoring, use your finger to feel the front of the two pieces. This will let you know where to "glue" them together. In this example I used the cut off leash straps and melted them with a propane torch as my glue but I have used a hot glue gun and this works very well. just place the pieces together just as they were in your mouth. Feel the front making sure that they line up as before. Make note of were they come together then put a bead of hot glue and replace them in that position,

Test again to insure a close fit. then I run a bead around to seal the pieces together. After the glue has cooled I make one last adjustment. Using tongs, I dip the top piece only in to the hot water and I want it to fit the top teeth but not be tight ( if it is too tight your teeth may hurt in the am) now dip and set the bottom the same way. You will want enough of the material coming down behind the bottom teeth to keep the jaw in place. I sometimes have to pull it down a little with my fingers before inserting in my mouth

Hope this works for you .