Introduction: Stretch-Tricot-Balls

Stretch-Tricot-Ball is a product by Thisisnotparis. Stretch-Tricot-Balls are made from exisiting sweaters. By adding an extra strech element sweaters can be displayed in a new funny way.

Step 1:

Take a piece of clothing with a stretch collar. Cut of the stretch part and attach it to another sweater. Take care that both elemens make nice ensemble.

Step 2:

If you like it then make a whole collection ;-)

Step 3:

If you finished your Strech-Tricot-Ball-Swaeter then turn the piece of clothing inside-out.

Step 4:

Fold it in the way you do with you socks

Step 5:

Fold the extension backwards over the package

Step 6:

Now you have one Streth-Tricot-Ball