Introduction: Strip a Wire With... Dental Floss?

Strip a wire without wire strippers... With dental floss? This is my first instructable :) I got this idea because I was trying to find a way to strip my wires, but there was nothing on the internet, so I came up with a somewhat clever way to strip the ends of wire. remember to vote!

Step 1: Getting the Right Wire

Make sure it is a size similar to dental floss. Could be thicker or thinner, as long as it's not a huge cable!

Step 2: Get Your Floss!

Make sure it is one like this, not the tooth pick looking ones, and make sure it is empty or nobody will use it!!! We don't want anyone to have wire insulation in their teeth!

Step 3: Strip Away!

Put the wire in the place the floss gets cut, and pull it just as you would regular floss. This works best with the wires that have one thick wire in it, instead of the ones with multiple thin ones.

Step 4: Thanks for Watching!

Check out my YouTube channel, I make animations, thanks :)
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