Introduction: Strong Fire Wall BATCH
Hi Guys X-GAMES here
before we start i must say this...
I'm will and am not responsible for what you do with this knowledge.
OK first just a recommendation learn batch code (10-15 minutes)
Ok here we go
%W%=the app you wanted protected
%N%=name what you like (change the %N% every time)
*=don't type this
@echo off
echo Password required...
set /p input0=
if %input0% equ %N% goto P.W.2
if %input0% equ "" goto BREACH
echo if you had one chance at being anything what would it be?
set /p input1=
if %input1% equ %N% goto P.W.3
if %input1% equ "" goto BREACH
echo if you unlock a door what should you see on the other side.
set /p input2=
if %input2% equ DOOR goto APP
if %input2% equ "" goto BREACH
echo you have succesfuly entered this app
echo You will be punished fot trying to hack the owner of this software.
timeout 5
shutdown -f -s -c
thank you for reading please subscribe to my YouTube channel X-GAMES Seth.K