Introduction: Stunt Plane

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Well, this is my first instructable, hope you like it.

I have searched on Instructables, and I'm pretty sure this plane is not in.

This is a very unpredictable plane. I have done many things with it, including:

Gliding across my school's indoor hall (around 50 metres)
Returning like a boomerang.
Returning not like a boomerang.
Going in the opposite direction of throw...

You get what I mean.

Step 1: Materials, and the Starting Folds

You just need an 'A' size paper. A4 is prefered. I didn't have any paer lying around, so I used last year's science revision test.

The first few folds are to create a (in Origami terms) "waterbomb base". You can see its construction in the next few steps.

Step 2: Waterbomb Base, Continued

I shown the first fold. now unfold and repeat on the left side. You will get an "x" in the paper. Now flip the paper over and fold where the two previous folds meet (as shown in the next few pictures).

Step 3: Waterbomb Base, Finished

The Waterbomb base is almost complete! Flip the paper over again, and if you done it correctly, the result will look like the pictures.

Push the two sides in and the waterbomb base is done.

Step 4: Folding the "handle"

If you looked at the plane in the intro and wondered where to hold it, wonder no more.

Follow the pictures.

A hard step is going to come, so watch out.

Step 5: Don't Get Stuck on This

Here is the hardest part. Remember the last fold you made, take a good look at it. See that there are two pockets?

Look at the pictures (sorry for the blurred pictures. my camera's macro wasn't that good.) Push one of the "flaps" into the pocket. It is a little tricky.

Repeat with the other side, and (hopefully) you have what is shown in the last picture.

Step 6: Stablisers

Now time to add stablisers. Fold the plane in half (as seen in the picture). Unfold, and fold the sides to the center.

Fold the edge back to the side (I'm dizzy already), and repeat on the other side.

Now, straighten them out till the angles are about 90 degrees (or 100 grads or pi/2 radians).

If you want, you can fold in the two back corners to act as elevons. I prefer it to be flat, as it performs beautifully.

You are officially done with the plane! Now to learn how to throw it.

Step 7: Handling

How to hold your plane : look at the picture

How to throw : hold it horizontally, and just throw with moderate force. too much will make it go crazy.

How to show it off : find a place with little or no wind, and throw it. It is very unpredictable, so it better be your lucky day!